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Class ImageWMSSource

    • Method Detail

      • getUrl

        public String getUrl()

        The WMS service URL


        the current URL

      • setUrl

        public void setUrl​(String url)

        Sets the WMS service URL


        url - the new URL

      • getParams

        public Map<String,​Object> getParams()

        The WMS request parameters for requesting images from the WMS server. At least the LAYERS parameter is required. By default, VERSION is 1.3.0, and STYLES is "". WIDTH, HEIGHT, BBOX, and CRS / SRS will be set dynamically.

        For individual parameters please refer to the documentation of the WMS server as well as the WMS specification.

        This value can not be changed after constructing an instance, it can only be set initially by passing an options object to the constructor.


        the WMS parameters

      • getServerType

        public String getServerType()

        The type of WMS server.

        This value can not be changed after constructing an instance, it can only be set initially by passing an options object to the constructor.


        the type of WMS server

      • getCrossOrigin

        public String getCrossOrigin()

        The crossOrigin attribute for loaded images.

        This value can not be changed after constructing an instance, it can only be set initially by passing an options object to the constructor.


        the crossOrigin attribute used for loaded images

      • getRatio

        public float getRatio()

        The ratio for the size of requested images compared to the map's viewport. Ratio 1 means image requests are the size of the viewport, a ratio of 2 means twice the size of the viewport, and so on. Default is {code 1.5}.

        This value can not be changed after constructing an instance, it can only be set initially by passing an options object to the constructor.


        the ratio