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Class PushHandler

  • public class PushHandler
    extends Object

    Handles incoming push connections and messages and dispatches them to the correct UI/ AtmospherePushConnection.

    For internal use only. May be renamed or removed in a future release.




    Vaadin Ltd

    • Constructor Detail

      • PushHandler

        public PushHandler​(VaadinServletService service)

        Creates an instance connected to the given service.


        service - the service this handler belongs to

    • Method Detail

      • suspend

        protected void suspend​(org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereResource resource)

        Suspends the given resource


        resource - the resource to suspend

      • setLongPollingSuspendTimeout

        public void setLongPollingSuspendTimeout​(int longPollingSuspendTimeout)

        Sets the timeout used for suspend calls when using long polling. If you are using a proxy with a defined idle timeout, set the suspend timeout to a value smaller than the proxy timeout so that the server is aware of a reconnect taking place.


        longPollingSuspendTimeout - the timeout to use for suspended AtmosphereResources

      • getLongPollingSuspendTimeout

        public int getLongPollingSuspendTimeout()

        Gets the timeout used for suspend calls when using long polling.


        the timeout to use for suspended AtmosphereResources