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Interface Series

    • Method Detail

      • setName

        void setName​(String name)

        Sets the name of the series as shown in the legend, tooltip etc. Defaults to "".


        name -

      • setConfiguration

        void setConfiguration​(Configuration configuration)

        Sets the configuration to which this series is linked.


        configuration -

      • getPlotOptions

        AbstractPlotOptions getPlotOptions()

        Gets the plot options related to this specific series. This is needed e.g. in combined charts.


      • setPlotOptions

        void setPlotOptions​(AbstractPlotOptions plotOptions)

        Sets the plot options for this specific series. The type of the plot options also explicitly sets the chart type used when rendering this particular series. If plot options is null, the component wide chart type is used.

        Options that are not defined at this level will be inherited from the chart and theme levels.


        plotOptions -

      • getId

        String getId()


        the series ID

      • setId

        void setId​(String id)

        Sets an id for the series


        id - new ID to set