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Interface DeploymentConfiguration

    • Method Detail

      • isRequestTiming

        boolean isRequestTiming()

        Returns whether the server provides timing info to the client.


        true if timing info is provided, false otherwise.

      • isSyncIdCheckEnabled

        boolean isSyncIdCheckEnabled()

        Returns whether sync id checking is enabled. The sync id is used to gracefully handle situations when the client sends a message to a connector that has recently been removed on the server.


        true if sync id checking is enabled; false otherwise

      • getHeartbeatInterval

        int getHeartbeatInterval()

        Returns the number of seconds between heartbeat requests of a UI, or a non-positive number if heartbeat is disabled.


        The time between heartbeats.

      • getMaxMessageSuspendTimeout

        int getMaxMessageSuspendTimeout()

        In certain cases, such as when combining XmlHttpRequests and push over low bandwidth connections, messages may be received out of order by the client. This property specifies the maximum time (in milliseconds) that the client will then wait for the predecessors of a received out-order message, before considering them missing and requesting a full resynchronization of the application state from the server.


        The maximum message suspension timeout

      • getWebComponentDisconnect

        int getWebComponentDisconnect()

        Returns the number of seconds that a WebComponent will wait for a reconnect before removing the server-side component from memory.


        time to wait after a disconnect has happened

      • isSendUrlsAsParameters

        boolean isSendUrlsAsParameters()

        Returns whether the sending of URL's as GET and POST parameters in requests with content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded is enabled or not.


        false if set to false or true otherwise

      • isCloseIdleSessions

        boolean isCloseIdleSessions()

        Returns whether a Vaadin session should be closed when all its open UIs have been idle for longer than its configured maximum inactivity time.

        A UI is idle if it is open on the client side but has no activity other than heartbeat requests. If isCloseIdleSessions() == false, heartbeat requests cause the session to stay open for as long as there are open UIs on the client side. If it is true, the session is eventually closed if the open UIs do not have any user interaction.


        True if UIs and Vaadin sessions receiving only heartbeat requests are eventually closed; false if heartbeat requests extend UI and session lifetime indefinitely.

        See Also:


      • getPushMode

        PushMode getPushMode()

        Returns the mode of bidirectional ("push") client-server communication that should be used.


        The push mode in use.

      • getPushURL

        String getPushURL()

        Returns the URL that bidirectional ("push") client-server communication should use.


        The push URL to use

      • getInitParameters

        Properties getInitParameters()

        Gets the properties configured for the deployment, e.g. as init parameters to the servlet.


        properties for the application.

      • getApplicationOrSystemProperty

        <T> T getApplicationOrSystemProperty​(String propertyName,
                                             T defaultValue,
                                             Function<String,​T> converter)

        Gets a configured property. The properties are typically read from e.g. web.xml or from system properties of the JVM.

        Type Parameters:

        T - type of a property


        propertyName - The simple of the property, in some contexts, lookup might be performed using variations of the provided name.

        defaultValue - the default value that should be used if no value has been defined

        converter - the way string should be converted into the required property


        the property value, or the passed default value if no property value is found

      • getBooleanProperty

        default boolean getBooleanProperty​(String propertyName,
                                           boolean defaultValue)
                                    throws IllegalArgumentException

        A shorthand of getApplicationOrSystemProperty(String, Object, Function) for String type. Considers "" to be equal true in order to treat params like -Dtest.param as enabled (test.param == true). Additionally validates the property value, requiring non-empty strings to be equal to boolean string representation. An exception thrown if it's not true.

        Specified by:

        getBooleanProperty in interface AbstractConfiguration


        propertyName - The simple of the property, in some contexts, lookup might be performed using variations of the provided name.

        defaultValue - the default value that should be used if no value has been defined


        the property value, or the passed default value if no property value is found


        IllegalArgumentException - if property value string is not a boolean value

      • getUIClassName

        String getUIClassName()

        Gets UI class configuration option value.


        UI class name

      • getClassLoaderName

        String getClassLoaderName()

        Gets class loader configuration option value.


        the configured class loader name

      • isBrotli

        default boolean isBrotli()

        Checks whether precompressed Brotli files should be used if available.


        true to serve precompressed Brotli files, false to not serve Brotli files.

      • getCompiledWebComponentsPath

        default String getCompiledWebComponentsPath()
      • getPolyfills

        default List<String> getPolyfills()

        Returns an array with polyfills to be loaded when the app is loaded. The default value is empty, but it can be changed by setting the InitParameters.SERVLET_PARAMETER_POLYFILLS as a comma separated list of JS files to load.


        polyfills to load

      • isStatsExternal

        default boolean isStatsExternal()

        Get if the stats.json file should be retrieved from an external service or through the classpath.


        true if stats.json is served from an external location

      • getExternalStatsUrl

        default String getExternalStatsUrl()

        Get the url from where stats.json should be retrieved from. If not given this will default to '/vaadin-static/VAADIN/config/stats.json'


        external stats.json location

      • isEagerServerLoad

        default boolean isEagerServerLoad()

        Get if the bootstrap page should include the initial UIDL fragment. This only makes sense for the client-side bootstrapping.

        By default it is false.

        Enabling this flag, it will make the initial application load a couple of seconds faster in very slow networks because of the extra round-trip to request the UIDL after the index.html is loaded.

        Otherwise, keeping the flag as false is beneficial, specially in application that mix client and server side views, since the `index.html` can be cached and served by service workers in PWAs, as well as in the server side session and UI initialization is deferred until a server view is actually requested by the user, saving some server resources.


        true if initial UIDL should be included in page

      • isDevModeLiveReloadEnabled

        boolean isDevModeLiveReloadEnabled()

        Checks if dev mode live reload is enabled or not.

        Note that if the dev tools are disabled (isDevToolsEnabled() returns false), the live reload will be disabled as well.


        true if dev mode live reload is enabled, false otherwise

      • isDevToolsEnabled

        boolean isDevToolsEnabled()

        Checks if dev tools are enabled or not. They is always disabled in production mode. In development mode, it is enabled by default.


        true if dev tools are enabled, false otherwise