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Class CellShiftValuesCommand

    • Constructor Detail

      • CellShiftValuesCommand

        public CellShiftValuesCommand​(Spreadsheet spreadsheet,
                                      boolean decrease)

        Creates a new CellShiftValuesCommand targeting the given spreadsheet.


        spreadsheet - Target spreadsheet

        decrease -

    • Method Detail

      • getSelectedCellReference

        public getSelectedCellReference()

        Description copied from interface: Command

        The selected cell that should be set when this command is run. In case this command shouldn't change the selected cell, null is returned.

        Specified by:

        getSelectedCellReference in interface Command


        getSelectedCellReference in class CellValueCommand


        the selection or null

      • getPaintedCellRange

        public getPaintedCellRange()

        Description copied from interface: Command

        The painted range that should be set when this command is run. In case his command shouldn't set a painted range, null is returned.

        Specified by:

        getPaintedCellRange in interface Command


        getPaintedCellRange in class CellValueCommand


        the painted range or null