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Class MessageInput

    • Method Detail

      • getI18n

        public MessageInputI18n getI18n()

        Gets the internationalization object previously set for this component.

        Note: updating the object content returned by this method will not update the component if not set back using setI18n(MessageInputI18n).


        the i18n object, or null if one has not been set with setI18n(MessageInputI18n)

      • setI18n

        public void setI18n​(MessageInputI18n i18n)

        Sets the internationalization properties for this component. It enabled you to customize and translate the language used in the message input.

        Note: updating the object properties after setting the i18n will not update the component. To make the changes effective, you need to set the updated object again.


        i18n - the i18n object, not null