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Class AbstractGridSingleSelectionModel<T>

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractGridSingleSelectionModel

        public AbstractGridSingleSelectionModel​(Grid<T> grid)

        Constructor for passing a reference of the grid to this implementation.


        grid - reference to the grid for which this selection model is created

    • Method Detail

      • selectFromClient

        public void selectFromClient​(T item)

        Description copied from interface: GridSelectionModel

        Handles the selection of an item that originates from the client.

        Specified by:

        selectFromClient in interface GridSelectionModel<T>


        item - the item being selected

      • select

        public void select​(T item)

        Description copied from interface: SelectionModel

        Selects the given item. Depending on the implementation, may cause other items to be deselected. If the item is already selected, does nothing.

        Specified by:

        select in interface SelectionModel<Grid<T>,​T>

        Specified by:

        select in interface SelectionModel.Single<Grid<T>,​T>


        item - the item to select, not null

      • deselectFromClient

        public void deselectFromClient​(T item)

        Description copied from interface: GridSelectionModel

        Handles the deselection of an item that originates from the client.

        Specified by:

        deselectFromClient in interface GridSelectionModel<T>


        item - the item being deselected

      • deselect

        public void deselect​(T item)

        Description copied from interface: SelectionModel

        Deselects the given item. If the item is not currently selected, does nothing.

        Specified by:

        deselect in interface SelectionModel<Grid<T>,​T>


        item - the item to deselect, not null

      • isSelected

        public boolean isSelected​(T item)

        Description copied from interface: SelectionModel

        Returns whether the given item is currently selected.

        Specified by:

        isSelected in interface SelectionModel<Grid<T>,​T>


        item - the item to check, not null


        true if the item is selected, false otherwise

      • setDeselectAllowed

        public void setDeselectAllowed​(boolean deselectAllowed)

        Description copied from interface: SelectionModel.Single

        Sets whether it's allowed to deselect the selected row through the UI. Deselection is allowed by default.

        Specified by:

        setDeselectAllowed in interface SelectionModel.Single<Grid<T>,​T>


        deselectAllowed - true if the selected row can be deselected without selecting another row instead; otherwise false.

      • isDeselectAllowed

        public boolean isDeselectAllowed()

        Description copied from interface: SelectionModel.Single

        Gets whether it's allowed to deselect the selected row through the UI.

        Specified by:

        isDeselectAllowed in interface SelectionModel.Single<Grid<T>,​T>


        true if deselection is allowed; otherwise false

      • addSelectionListener

        public Registration addSelectionListener​(SelectionListener<Grid<T>,​T> listener)

        Description copied from interface: SelectionModel

        Adds a generic listener to this selection model, accepting both single and multiselection events.

        Specified by:

        addSelectionListener in interface SelectionModel<Grid<T>,​T>


        listener - the listener to add, not null


        a registration handle for removing the listener

      • generateData

        public void generateData​(T item,
                                 elemental.json.JsonObject jsonObject)

        Description copied from interface: DataGenerator

        Adds custom data for the given item to its serialized JsonObject representation. This JSON object will be sent to client-side DataProvider.

        Specified by:

        generateData in interface DataGenerator<T>


        item - the data item being serialized

        jsonObject - the JSON object being sent to the client

      • fireSelectionEvent

        protected abstract void fireSelectionEvent​(SelectionEvent<Grid<T>,​T> event)

        Method for handling the firing of selection events.


        event - the selection event to fire