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Class PolymerPublishedEventRpcHandler

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.vaadin.flow.component.polymertemplate.rpc.PolymerPublishedEventRpcHandler
    • Constructor Detail

      • PolymerPublishedEventRpcHandler

        public PolymerPublishedEventRpcHandler()
    • Method Detail

      • isTemplateModelValue

        public boolean isTemplateModelValue​(Component instance,
                                            elemental.json.JsonValue argValue,
                                            Class<?> convertedType)

        Validate that the given Component instance is a PolymerTemplate and that the value can be converted.

        Specified by:

        isTemplateModelValue in interface DeprecatedPolymerPublishedEventHandler


        instance - Component to be validated

        argValue - received value

        convertedType - target type that value should be converted to


        true if valid template model value

      • getTemplateItem

        public Object getTemplateItem​(Component template,
                                      elemental.json.JsonObject argValue,
                                      Type convertedType)

        Get the template model object and type.

        Specified by:

        getTemplateItem in interface DeprecatedPolymerPublishedEventHandler


        template - polymer template to get model from

        argValue - argument value

        convertedType - value type


        the provided model value


        IllegalStateException - if the component is not attached to the UI