We’re happy to announce Vaadin Prime – the next generation of enterprise grade support for your team. You can now be a Vaadin user in three tiers; as an open source developer, a professional developer or a development team:
- Vaadin Core – the open source free stuff from Vaadin Framework to Vaadin Elements. This it is at the core of what Vaadin does.
- Vaadin Pro – the tools and elements that make you super productive! Including Designer, TestBench, Spreadsheet, Charts and more upcoming stuff.
- and Vaadin Prime – the team package that gives you all the features from Pro and Core but also Expert Chat, Expert on Demand and a Warranty that covers all Vaadin's products.
Vaadin Prime is for teams what Vaadin Pro is for individuals, starting from teams of 3 developers and including everything from Pro and Core.
We’re also giving unlimited access to all trainings available as an add-on to Pro and Prime – with over 30 new trainings that you can attend online, whenever it suits you best and as many times as you’d like to, for a flat subscription price.
Sign up with Prime before the end of April – get Trainings for free!
When you sign up for the Prime plan for a year, you get free trainings for the entire team for the first year. You will save $5,400 with a team of 3 persons and $18,000 with a team of 10. Sign up either online or contact our sales at sales@vaadin.com
For all our existing Pro Tools and Support customers – you can keep your current model or upgrade at any time by talking to our sales.