Vaadin 24.4 integrates with React, unifies Flow and Hilla development, and more!

Create a Java application for your business

Get it right from the beginning.
Connect with a Vaadin Expert

Building the right thing

When you need a new app to boost your business you want to make sure that you build the right thing, solving the right problem, in an effective and scalable way. You may already have clearly defined requirements for an app or a blurry concept sketched on a napkin. Either way, we can help with bringing your idea from concept to reality.
UX Kickstart

Reimagine your business application with a click-through prototype that you can validate with your stakeholders. Delivered after a 2-day onsite workshop addressing your current and future needs.

Design System foundation

Get started with ready-themed Java UI components and a tailored Design System site with your company branding. Available either as an installable package or optionally installed in a public cloud.

Kickstart consulting
Get a headstart creating your Java app with the help of our experts. This service is tailored to fit your project needs.

Build for the future

Making the right architectural choices, in the beginning, will have a significant positive impact on the cost over the years.

Business apps often have long lifespans of 10-20 years or even more. The cost of maintenance and how well the underlying technologies are supported play an important role in the long-term success of the app.

Mature technology

Vaadin technology has been built over the past 20 years and is trusted by many well-known brands due to its productivity and security.

Building on Java gives a mature technology stack from all the way from the data layer to the user interface. For established businesses, even their new business apps need to be compatible with existing applications, maybe use the same design system and leverage the already existing technical frameworks and software licenses purchased.

DIY or together with Vaadin

Your team is the best to build applications for your business. Vaadin team is the best building modern Vaadin based UIs on a Java backend. Get the best of both by working together with us.

Making sure you build the right thing and build it right may be challenging in the quickly changing technology environment of web technologies. While DIY has its merits, leveraging the Vaadin team to help concept and prototype your app or building a solid foundation will help your team stay focused and level up their web app skills.

Customer case

AXPM making dental practices UX first with Vaadin's support

Procountor is a user-friendly financial management software. The cloud-based software has been developed to meet the financial management needs of SMEs from the preparation of sales invoices and dispatch to the ledger, receiving, recycling and payment of purchased invoices.
Read customer case

Vaadin approaches their software development from a usability and user interface standpoint, where most other people were focusing on very technical aspects first.

Merritt Dake

Are you planning to create a Java application for your business?

Connect with a Vaadin Expert for a tailored discussion on your app development strategy