Uses of Interface
Uses of SerializableFunction in com.vaadin.collaborationengine
Methods in com.vaadin.collaborationengine with parameters of type SerializableFunctionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCollaborationMessagePersister.fromCallbacks
(SerializableFunction<CollaborationMessagePersister.FetchQuery, Stream<CollaborationMessage>> fetchCallback, SerializableConsumer<CollaborationMessagePersister.PersistRequest> persistCallback) Creates an instance of
from the provided callbacks.protected void
(ConnectionContext context, SerializableFunction<TopicConnection, Registration> connectionActivationCallback) Opens a connection to the topic of this manager using the provided context and activation callback.
(ConnectionContext context, String topicId, UserInfo localUser, SerializableFunction<TopicConnection, Registration> connectionActivationCallback) Opens a connection to the collaboration topic with the provided id based on a generic context definition.
(Component component, String topicId, UserInfo localUser, SerializableFunction<TopicConnection, Registration> connectionActivationCallback) Opens a connection to the collaboration topic with the provided id based on a component instance.
<T> void
(Class<T> type, SerializableFunction<T, String> serializer, SerializableFunction<String, T> deserializer) Sets a custom serializer and deserializer to use for a specific value type.
Uses of SerializableFunction in com.vaadin.flow.component
Subinterfaces of SerializableFunction in com.vaadin.flow.componentModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
can be used to customize the string shown to the user for an item.Constructors in com.vaadin.flow.component with parameters of type SerializableFunctionModifierConstructorDescriptionAbstractSinglePropertyField
(String propertyName, T defaultValue, Class<P> elementPropertyType, SerializableFunction<P, T> presentationToModel, SerializableFunction<T, P> modelToPresentation) Creates a new field that uses a property value with the given stateless converters for producing a model value.
Uses of SerializableFunction in com.vaadin.flow.component.charts.model
Methods in com.vaadin.flow.component.charts.model with parameters of type SerializableFunctionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(SerializableFunction<T, Object> callBack) Sets the function used for retrieving
values from the bean provided by the data provider.void
(SerializableFunction<T, Object> callBack) Sets the function used for retrieving
values from the bean provided by the data provider.void
(SerializableFunction<T, Object> callBack) Sets the function used for retrieving
values from the bean provided by the data provider.void
(SerializableFunction<T, Object> callBack) Sets the function used for retrieving
values from the bean provided by the data provider.void
(SerializableFunction<T, Object> callBack) Sets the function used for retrieving
values from the bean provided by the data provider.void
(String propertyName, SerializableFunction<T, Object> callBack) Sets the function used for retrieving the value for the given property name from the given data provider.
(SerializableFunction<T, Object> callBack) Sets the function used for retrieving
values from the bean provided by the data provider.void
(SerializableFunction<T, Object> callBack) Sets the function used for retrieving
values from the bean provided by the data provider.Constructors in com.vaadin.flow.component.charts.model with parameters of type SerializableFunctionModifierConstructorDescriptionDataProviderSeries
(DataProvider<T, ?> dataProvider, SerializableFunction<T, Object> callBack) Creates a new series using data from the given data provider and y values.
Uses of SerializableFunction in com.vaadin.flow.component.checkbox
Subinterfaces of SerializableFunction in com.vaadin.flow.component.checkboxModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptionstatic interface
can be used to generate helper text strings used by the checkbox group for each checkbox. -
Uses of SerializableFunction in com.vaadin.flow.component.combobox
Methods in com.vaadin.flow.component.combobox that return SerializableFunctionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionComboBoxBase.getItemClassNameGenerator()
Gets the item class name generator that is used for generating CSS class names for the dropdown items in the ComboBox.
Methods in com.vaadin.flow.component.combobox with parameters of type SerializableFunctionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(SerializableFunction<TItem, String> classNameGenerator) Sets the function that is used for generating CSS class names for the dropdown items in the ComboBox.
(ComboBox.FetchItemsCallback<TItem> fetchItems, SerializableFunction<String, Integer> sizeCallback) Sets a CallbackDataProvider using the given fetch items callback and a size callback.
<C> void
(DataProvider<TItem, C> dataProvider, SerializableFunction<String, C> filterConverter) Sets a generic data provider for the ComboBox to use.
(InMemoryDataProvider<TItem> inMemoryDataProvider, SerializableFunction<String, SerializablePredicate<TItem>> filterConverter) Sets an in-memory data provider for the combo box to use, taking into account both in-memory filtering from data provider and combo box's text filter.
(CallbackDataProvider.FetchCallback<TItem, C> fetchCallback, CallbackDataProvider.CountCallback<TItem, C> countCallback, SerializableFunction<String, C> filterConverter) Supply items lazily with callbacks: the first one fetches the items based on offset, limit and an optional filter, the second provides the exact count of items in the backend.
(CallbackDataProvider.FetchCallback<TItem, C> fetchCallback, SerializableFunction<String, C> filterConverter) Supply items lazily with a callback from a backend, using custom filter type.
Uses of SerializableFunction in com.vaadin.flow.component.datepicker
Methods in com.vaadin.flow.component.datepicker that return SerializableFunctionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDatePicker.getFallbackParser()
Gets the parser that is used as a fallback when user input cannot be parsed using the i18n date formats.
Methods in com.vaadin.flow.component.datepicker with parameters of type SerializableFunctionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(SerializableFunction<String, Result<LocalDate>> fallbackParser) Sets a parser to handle user input that cannot be parsed using the i18n date formats.
Uses of SerializableFunction in com.vaadin.flow.component.grid
Subinterfaces of SerializableFunction in com.vaadin.flow.component.gridModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Generates the sort orders when rows are sorted by a column.
Methods in com.vaadin.flow.component.grid that return SerializableFunctionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGrid.Column.getClassNameGenerator()
Gets the function that is used for generating CSS class names for cells in this column.
Gets the function that is used for generating CSS class names for rows in this grid.
Gets the function that is used for generating CSS part names for cells in this column.
Gets the function that is used for generating CSS part names for rows in this grid.
Methods in com.vaadin.flow.component.grid with parameters of type SerializableFunctionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGrid.Column.setClassNameGenerator
(SerializableFunction<T, String> classNameGenerator) Deprecated.
(SerializableFunction<T, String> classNameGenerator) Deprecated.
Grid.setPartNameGenerator(com.vaadin.flow.function.SerializableFunction<T, java.lang.String>)
should be used instead.void
(String type, SerializableFunction<T, String> dragDataGenerator) Sets a generator function for customizing drag data.
(SerializableFunction<T, ? extends Component> componentCallback) Sets a function that returns the editor component to be used for an specific item in the editor row.
(SerializableFunction<T, String> partNameGenerator) Sets the function that is used for generating CSS part names for cells in this column.
(SerializableFunction<T, String> partNameGenerator) Sets the function that is used for generating CSS part names for all the cells in the rows in this grid.
(SerializableFunction<T, String> tooltipGenerator) Sets the function that is used for generating tooltip text for cells in this column.
(SerializableFunction<T, String> tooltipGenerator) Sets the function that is used for generating tooltip text for all cells in this grid.
Uses of SerializableFunction in com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.editor
Methods in com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.editor with parameters of type SerializableFunctionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(SerializableFunction<T, ? extends Component> componentFunction) Sets the function that creates components to be used as editors for the column.
Uses of SerializableFunction in com.vaadin.flow.component.gridpro
Methods in com.vaadin.flow.component.gridpro with parameters of type SerializableFunctionModifier and TypeMethodDescription<E extends Enum<E>>
(ItemUpdater<T, E> itemUpdater, Class<E> enumType, SerializableFunction<E, String> getStringRepresentation) Configures the column to have a select editor with the given item updater, enum type and string representation callback.
Uses of SerializableFunction in com.vaadin.flow.component.internal
Constructors in com.vaadin.flow.component.internal with parameters of type SerializableFunctionModifierConstructorDescriptionDependencyTreeCache
(SerializableFunction<T, Collection<T>> dependencyParser) Creates a dependency cache with the given dependency parser.
Uses of SerializableFunction in com.vaadin.flow.component.textfield
Constructors in com.vaadin.flow.component.textfield with parameters of type SerializableFunctionModifierConstructorDescriptionAbstractNumberField
(SerializableFunction<String, T> parser, SerializableFunction<T, String> formatter, double absoluteMin, double absoluteMax) Sets up the common logic for number fields.
Uses of SerializableFunction in com.vaadin.flow.component.virtuallist
Methods in com.vaadin.flow.component.virtuallist that return SerializableFunctionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionVirtualList.getItemAccessibleNameGenerator()
Gets the function that generates accessible names for virtual list items.
Methods in com.vaadin.flow.component.virtuallist with parameters of type SerializableFunctionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(SerializableFunction<T, String> itemAccessibleNameGenerator) A function that generates accessible names for virtual list items.
Uses of SerializableFunction in
Subinterfaces of SerializableFunction in and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Provider interface for generating localizable error messages using
.Methods in with parameters of type SerializableFunctionModifier and TypeMethodDescription<S> Result<S>
(SerializableFunction<R, Result<S>> mapper) If this Result has a value, applies the given Result-returning function to the value.
(SerializableFunction<String, ? extends X> exceptionProvider) Return the value, if the result denotes success, otherwise throw an exception to be created by the provided supplier.
default <S> Result<S>
(SerializableFunction<R, S> mapper) If this Result has a value, returns a Result of applying the given function to the value.
static <R> Result<R>
(SerializableSupplier<R> supplier, SerializableFunction<Exception, String> onError) Returns a Result representing the result of invoking the given supplier.
<C> void
(DataProvider<T, C> dataProvider, SerializableFunction<F, C> filterConverter) Sets the data provider and filter converter for this listing.
default <NEWTARGET>
Binder.BindingBuilder<BEAN,NEWTARGET> Binder.BindingBuilder.withConverter
(SerializableFunction<TARGET, NEWTARGET> toModel, SerializableFunction<NEWTARGET, TARGET> toPresentation) Maps the binding to another data type using the mapping functions and a possible exception as the error message.
default <NEWTARGET>
Binder.BindingBuilder<BEAN,NEWTARGET> Binder.BindingBuilder.withConverter
(SerializableFunction<TARGET, NEWTARGET> toModel, SerializableFunction<NEWTARGET, TARGET> toPresentation, String errorMessage) Maps the binding to another data type using the mapping functions and the given error error message if a value cannot be converted to the new target type.
Uses of SerializableFunction in
Methods in with parameters of type SerializableFunctionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <P,
M> Converter<P, M> Converter.from
(SerializableFunction<P, Result<M>> toModel, SerializableFunction<M, P> toPresentation) Constructs a converter from a filter and a function.
static <P,
M> Converter<P, M> Converter.from
(SerializableFunction<P, M> toModel, SerializableFunction<M, P> toPresentation, SerializableFunction<Exception, String> onError) Constructs a converter from two functions.
Uses of SerializableFunction in
Subinterfaces of SerializableFunction in and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
A callback interface that is used to provide the identifier of an item.
Methods in with parameters of type SerializableFunctionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T,
C, F> F FilterUtils.convertFilter
(SerializableFunction<C, F> filterConverter, Query<T, C> query) Gets the filter converted from a query filter by the
.default <C> DataProvider<T,
C> DataProvider.withConvertedFilter
(SerializableFunction<C, F> filterConverter) Wraps this data provider to create a data provider that uses a different filter type.
Uses of SerializableFunction in
Methods in with parameters of type SerializableFunctionModifier and TypeMethodDescription<C> HierarchicalDataProvider<T,
C> AbstractHierarchicalDataProvider.withConvertedFilter
(SerializableFunction<C, F> filterConverter) default <C> HierarchicalDataProvider<T,
C> HierarchicalDataProvider.withConvertedFilter
(SerializableFunction<C, F> filterConverter) Constructors in with parameters of type SerializableFunctionModifierConstructorDescriptionHierarchicalCommunicationController
(String parentKey, DataKeyMapper<T> keyMapper, HierarchyMapper<T, ?> mapper, DataGenerator<T> dataGenerator, SerializableFunction<Integer, HierarchicalArrayUpdater.HierarchicalUpdate> startUpdate, SerializableBiFunction<String, Range, Stream<T>> fetchItems) Constructs communication controller with support for hierarchical data structure.
Uses of SerializableFunction in
Constructors in with parameters of type SerializableFunctionModifierConstructorDescriptionComponentRenderer
(SerializableFunction<SOURCE, COMPONENT> componentFunction) Creates a new ComponentRenderer that uses the componentFunction to generate new
(SerializableFunction<SOURCE, COMPONENT> componentFunction, SerializableBiFunction<Component, SOURCE, Component> componentUpdateFunction) Creates a new ComponentRenderer that uses the componentFunction to generate new
instances, and a componentUpdateFunction to update existingComponent
(SerializableFunction<ITEM, ? extends Component> iconGenerator) Creates a new renderer instance using the default
and the providediconGenerator
(SerializableFunction<ITEM, ? extends Component> iconGenerator, ItemLabelGenerator<ITEM> itemLabelGenerator) Creates a new renderer instance using the provided
. -
Uses of SerializableFunction in com.vaadin.flow.function
Subinterfaces of SerializableFunction in com.vaadin.flow.functionModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
TARGET> A callback interface for providing values from a given source.
Methods in com.vaadin.flow.function that return SerializableFunctionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T> SerializableFunction<T,
T> SerializableFunction.identity()
Returns a function that always returns its input argument.
Uses of SerializableFunction in com.vaadin.flow.internal
Constructors in com.vaadin.flow.internal with parameters of type SerializableFunctionModifierConstructorDescriptionReflectionCache
(SerializableFunction<Class<C>, T> valueProvider) Creates a new reflection cache with the given value provider.
Uses of SerializableFunction in com.vaadin.flow.server.communication
Subinterfaces of SerializableFunction in com.vaadin.flow.server.communicationModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Factory that produces instances of
. -
Uses of SerializableFunction in com.vaadin.flow.server.dau
Subinterfaces of SerializableFunction in com.vaadin.flow.server.dauModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Provides a custom identifier of end-users that, if configured, is used the by Vaadin's license server to count unique daily users for a given subscription.
Uses of SerializableFunction in com.vaadin.flow.server.webcomponent
Classes in com.vaadin.flow.server.webcomponent that implement SerializableFunctionModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Retrieves web component tag from a
Grid.Column.setPartNameGenerator(com.vaadin.flow.function.SerializableFunction<T, java.lang.String>)
should be used instead.