
Annotation Interface Endpoint

@Target(TYPE) @Retention(RUNTIME) @Component public @interface Endpoint

Annotation to mark the endpoints to be processed by EndpointController class. Each class annotated automatically becomes a Spring Component bean. After the class is annotated and processed, it becomes available as a Vaadin endpoint. This means that the class name and all its public methods can be executed via the post call with the correct parameters sent in a request JSON body. The methods' return values will be returned back as a response to the calls. Refer to EndpointController for more details.

This is an alias for BrowserCallable.

See Also:

  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element

    The name of an endpoint to use.

  • Element Details

    • value

      String value

      The name of an endpoint to use. If nothing is specified, the name of the annotated class is taken.

      Note: custom names are not allowed to be blank, be equal to any of the ECMAScript reserved words or have whitespaces in them. See EndpointNameChecker for validation implementation details.


      the name of the endpoint to use in post requests

