
Class ServletDeployer


All Implemented Interfaces:

jakarta.servlet.ServletContextListener, EventListener

public class ServletDeployer extends Object implements jakarta.servlet.ServletContextListener

Context listener that automatically registers Vaadin servlets.

The servlets registered are:

  • Vaadin application servlet, mapped to '/*'
    The servlet won't be registered, if any VaadinServlet is registered already or if there are no classes annotated with Route annotation.
  • Static files servlet, mapped to '/VAADIN/static' responsible to resolve files placed in the '[webcontext]/VAADIN/static' folder or in the '[classpath]/META-INF/static' location. It prevents sensible files like 'stats.json' and 'flow-build-info.json' to be served. It manages cache headers based on the '.cache.' and '.nocache.' fragment in the file name.

In addition to the rules above, a servlet won't be registered, if any servlet had been mapped to the same path already or if InitParameters.DISABLE_AUTOMATIC_SERVLET_REGISTRATION system property is set to true.

For internal use only. May be renamed or removed in a future release.




Vaadin Ltd

  • Constructor Details

    • ServletDeployer

      public ServletDeployer()
  • Method Details

    • contextInitialized

      public void contextInitialized(jakarta.servlet.ServletContextEvent sce)

      Specified by:

      contextInitialized in interface jakarta.servlet.ServletContextListener

    • contextDestroyed

      public void contextDestroyed(jakarta.servlet.ServletContextEvent sce)

      Specified by:

      contextDestroyed in interface jakarta.servlet.ServletContextListener