
Class SubMenuBase<C extends ContextMenuBase<C,I,S>,I extends MenuItemBase<C,I,S>,S extends SubMenuBase<C,I,S>>


Type Parameters:

C - the context-menu type

I - the menu-item type

S - the sub menu type

All Implemented Interfaces:


Direct Known Subclasses:

GridSubMenu, SubMenu

public abstract class SubMenuBase<C extends ContextMenuBase<C,I,S>,I extends MenuItemBase<C,I,S>,S extends SubMenuBase<C,I,S>> extends Object implements Serializable

Base class for sub-menus in ContextMenuBase extensions. Classes extending this should provide API for adding items and handling events related to them. For basic example, see SubMenu.

See Also:

  • Constructor Details

    • SubMenuBase

      public SubMenuBase(I parentMenuItem)
  • Method Details

    • addItem

      public I addItem(String text)

      Adds a new item component with the given text content to the sub menu overlay.

      This is a convenience method for the use case where you have a list of highlightable MenuItems inside the overlay. If you want to configure the contents of the overlay without wrapping them inside MenuItems, or if you just want to add some non-highlightable components between the items, use the add(Component...) method.


      text - the text content for the created menu item


      the created menu item

      See Also:

    • addItem

      public I addItem(Component component)

      Adds a new item component with the given component to the sub menu overlay.

      This is a convenience method for the use case where you have a list of highlightable MenuItems inside the overlay. If you want to configure the contents of the overlay without wrapping them inside MenuItems, or if you just want to add some non-highlightable components between the items, use the add(Component...) method.


      component - the component to add to the created menu item


      the created menu item

      See Also:

    • add

      public void add(Component... components)

      Adds the given components into the sub menu overlay.

      For the common use case of having a list of high-lightable items inside the overlay, you can use the addItem(String) convenience methods instead.

      The added elements will be inserted into an overlay that is attached into the <body>.


      components - the components to add

      See Also:

    • remove

      public void remove(Component... components)

      Removes the given components from the sub menu overlay.


      components - the components to remove

      See Also:

    • removeAll

      public void removeAll()

      Removes all components inside the sub menu overlay.

      See Also:

    • addComponentAtIndex

      public void addComponentAtIndex(int index, Component component)

      Adds the given component into the sub menu overlay at the given index.

      The added elements will be inserted into an overlay that is attached into the <body>.


      index - the index, where the component will be added

      component - the component to add

      See Also:

    • getChildren

      public Stream<Component> getChildren()

      Gets the child components of this sub menu. This includes components added with add(Component...) and the MenuItem components created with addItem(String) and its overload methods. This doesn't include the components added to the main context menu or any other sub menus it may have.


      the child components of this sub menu

    • getItems

      public List<I> getItems()

      Gets the items added to this sub menu (the children of this component that are instances of MenuItem).


      the MenuItem components in this sub menu

      See Also:

    • getParentMenuItem

      public I getParentMenuItem()

      Gets the menu item component that opens this sub menu overlay.


      the parent menu item of this sub menu

    • getMenuManager

      protected MenuManager<C,I,S> getMenuManager()

      Gets a (sub) menu manager.


    • createMenuManager

      protected abstract MenuManager<C,I,S> createMenuManager()

      Creates a (sub) menu manager instance which contains logic to control the (sub) menu content.


      a new menu manager instance