
Interface HasThemeVariant<TVariantEnum extends ThemeVariant>

Type Parameters:

TVariantEnum - The specific theme variant enum type

All Superinterfaces:

HasElement, HasTheme, Serializable

All Known Implementing Classes:

AccordionPanel, Avatar, AvatarGroup, BigDecimalField, Button, CheckboxGroup, ComboBox, DatePicker, DateTimePicker, Details, Dialog, DrawerToggle, EmailField, IntegerField, Map, MapBase, MenuBar, MultiSelectComboBox, Notification, NumberField, PasswordField, Popover, ProgressBar, RadioButtonGroup, RichTextEditor, Scroller, Select, SplitLayout, Tab, Tabs, TabSheet, TextArea, TextField, TimePicker

public interface HasThemeVariant<TVariantEnum extends ThemeVariant> extends HasTheme

Mixin interface that allows adding and removing typed theme variants to / from a component

  • Method Details

    • addThemeVariants

      default void addThemeVariants(TVariantEnum... variants)

      Adds theme variants to the component.


      variants - theme variants to add

    • removeThemeVariants

      default void removeThemeVariants(TVariantEnum... variants)

      Removes theme variants from the component.


      variants - theme variants to remove