Interface SelectionModel.Single<C extends Component,T>

Type Parameters:

T - the type of the items to select

C - the component type

All Superinterfaces:

SelectionModel<C,T>, Serializable

All Known Subinterfaces:


All Known Implementing Classes:


Enclosing interface:

SelectionModel<C extends Component,T>

public static interface SelectionModel.Single<C extends Component,T> extends SelectionModel<C,T>

A selection model in which at most one item can be selected at a time. Selecting another item deselects the originally selected item.

  • Method Details

    • select

      void select(T item)

      Selects the given item. If another item was already selected, that item is deselected.

      Specified by:

      select in interface SelectionModel<C extends Component,T>


      item - the item to select

    • getSelectedItem

      Optional<T> getSelectedItem()

      Returns the currently selected item, or an empty optional if no item is selected.


      an optional of the selected item if any, an empty optional otherwise

    • setSelectedItem

      default void setSelectedItem(T item)

      Sets the current selection to the given item, or clears selection if given null.


      item - the item to select or null to clear selection

    • deselectAll

      default void deselectAll()

      Description copied from interface: SelectionModel

      Deselects all currently selected items, if any.

      Specified by:

      deselectAll in interface SelectionModel<C extends Component,T>

    • getSelectedItems

      default Set<T> getSelectedItems()

      Returns a singleton set of the currently selected item or an empty set if no item is selected.

      Specified by:

      getSelectedItems in interface SelectionModel<C extends Component,T>


      a singleton set of the selected item if any, an empty set otherwise

      See Also:

    • getFirstSelectedItem

      default Optional<T> getFirstSelectedItem()

      Description copied from interface: SelectionModel

      Get first selected data item.

      This is the same as getSelectedItem() in case of single selection and the first selected item from SelectionModel.getSelectedItems() in case of multiselection.

      Specified by:

      getFirstSelectedItem in interface SelectionModel<C extends Component,T>


      the first selected item.

    • setDeselectAllowed

      void setDeselectAllowed(boolean deselectAllowed)

      Sets whether it's allowed to deselect the selected row through the UI. Deselection is allowed by default.


      deselectAllowed - true if the selected row can be deselected without selecting another row instead; otherwise false.

    • isDeselectAllowed

      boolean isDeselectAllowed()

      Gets whether it's allowed to deselect the selected row through the UI.


      true if deselection is allowed; otherwise false