Interface BackEndDataProvider<T,F>

Type Parameters:

T - data provider data type

F - data provider filter type

All Superinterfaces:

DataProvider<T,F>, Serializable

All Known Subinterfaces:


All Known Implementing Classes:

AbstractBackEndDataProvider, AbstractBackEndHierarchicalDataProvider, CallbackDataProvider

public interface BackEndDataProvider<T,F> extends DataProvider<T,F>

A data provider that lazy loads items from a back end.



  • Method Details

    • setSortOrders

      void setSortOrders(List<QuerySortOrder> sortOrders)

      Sets a list of sort orders to use as the default sorting for this data provider. This overrides the sorting set by any other method that manipulates the default sorting of this data provider.

      The default sorting is used if the query defines no sorting. The default sorting is also used to determine the ordering of items that are considered equal by the sorting defined in the query.


      sortOrders - a list of sort orders to set, not null

      See Also:

    • setSortOrders

      default void setSortOrders(QuerySortOrderBuilder builder)

      Sets the sort order to use, given a QuerySortOrderBuilder. Shorthand for setSortOrders(


      builder - the sort builder to retrieve the sort order from


      NullPointerException - if builder is null

      See Also:

    • setSortOrder

      default void setSortOrder(QuerySortOrder sortOrder)

      Sets a single sort order to use as the default sorting for this data provider. This overrides the sorting set by any other method that manipulates the default sorting of this data provider.

      The default sorting is used if the query defines no sorting. The default sorting is also used to determine the ordering of items that are considered equal by the sorting defined in the query.


      sortOrder - a sort order to set, or null to clear any previously set sort orders

      See Also:

    • isInMemory

      default boolean isInMemory()

      Description copied from interface: DataProvider

      Gets whether the DataProvider content all available in memory or does it use some external backend.

      Specified by:

      isInMemory in interface DataProvider<T,F>


      true if all data is in memory; false if not