
Class VaadinConfigurationProperties

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix="vaadin") public class VaadinConfigurationProperties extends Object

Configuration properties for Vaadin Spring Boot.


Vaadin Ltd

See Also:

  • Constructor Details

    • VaadinConfigurationProperties

      public VaadinConfigurationProperties()
  • Method Details

    • getUrlMapping

      public static String getUrlMapping(org.springframework.core.env.Environment environment)

      Gets the url mapping using the given environment. This is needed only when VaadinConfigurationProperties is not available for injection, e.g. in a condition.


      environment - the application environment


      the url mapping or null if none is defined

    • getExcludedUrls

      public static List<String> getExcludedUrls(org.springframework.core.env.Environment environment)

      Gets the excluded URLs using the given environment. This is needed only when VaadinConfigurationProperties is not available for injection, e.g. when using Spring without Boot.


      environment - the application environment


      the excluded URLs or null if none is defined

    • getUrlMapping

      public String getUrlMapping()

      Gets the url mapping for the Vaadin servlet.


      the url mapping

    • setUrlMapping

      public void setUrlMapping(String urlMapping)

      Sets urlMapping property value.


      urlMapping - the urlMapping property value

    • isAsyncSupported

      public boolean isAsyncSupported()

      Returns if asynchronous operations are supported.


      if async is supported

    • setAsyncSupported

      public void setAsyncSupported(boolean asyncSupported)

      Sets asyncSupported property value.


      asyncSupported - the asyncSupported property value

    • isLoadOnStartup

      public boolean isLoadOnStartup()

      Returns if servlet is loaded on startup.

      If the servlet is not loaded on startup then the first request to the server might be incorrectly handled by VaadinWebSecurity and access to a public view will be denied instead of allowed.


      if servlet is loaded on startup

    • setLoadOnStartup

      public void setLoadOnStartup(boolean loadOnStartup)

      Sets whether servlet is loaded on startup.

      If the servlet is not loaded on startup then the first request to the server might be incorrectly handled by VaadinWebSecurity and access to a public view will be denied instead of allowed.


      loadOnStartup - true to load the servlet on startup, false otherwise

    • isLaunchBrowser

      public boolean isLaunchBrowser()

      Returns if a browser should be launched on startup when in development mode.


      if a browser should be launched on startup when in development mode

    • setLaunchBrowser

      public void setLaunchBrowser(boolean launchBrowser)

      Sets whether a browser should be launched on startup when in development mode.


      launchBrowser - true to launch a browser on startup when in development mode, false otherwise

    • getLaunchBrowserDelay

      public int getLaunchBrowserDelay()

      Returns timout after which a browser should be launched again on startup when in development mode.


      if a browser should be launched on startup when in development mode

    • setLaunchBrowserDelay

      public void setLaunchBrowserDelay(int launchBrowser)

      Sets timout for launching a new browser on startup when in development mode.


      launchBrowser - true to launch a browser on startup when in development mode, false otherwise

    • isDevmodeCaching

      public boolean isDevmodeCaching()

      Returns whether class scan caching between reloads when using Spring Boot DevTools should be enabled.


      if class scan caching should be enabled

    • setDevmodeCaching

      public void setDevmodeCaching(boolean devmodeCaching)

      Sets whether class scan caching between reloads when using Spring Boot DevTools should be enabled.


      devmodeCaching - true to enable class scan caching when in development mode, false otherwise

    • getBlockedPackages

      public List<String> getBlockedPackages()

      Get a list of packages that are blocked for class scanning.


      blocked packages

    • setBlockedPackages

      public void setBlockedPackages(List<String> blockedPackages)

      Set list of packages to ignore for class scanning.


      blockedPackages - list of packages to ignore

    • getBlacklistedPackages

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) public List<String> getBlacklistedPackages()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.

      Get a list of packages that are blocked for class scanning.


      blocked packages

    • setBlacklistedPackages

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) public void setBlacklistedPackages(List<String> blockedPackages)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.

      Set list of packages to ignore for class scanning.


      blockedPackages - list of packages to ignore

    • getAllowedPackages

      public List<String> getAllowedPackages()

      Get a list of packages that are allowed for class scanning.


      allowed packages

    • setAllowedPackages

      public void setAllowedPackages(List<String> allowedPackages)

      Set list of packages to be scanned. If allowedPackages is set then blockedPackages is ignored.


      allowedPackages - list of packages to be scanned

    • getWhitelistedPackages

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) public List<String> getWhitelistedPackages()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.

      Get a list of packages that are allowed for class scanning.


      allowed packages

    • setWhitelistedPackages

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) public void setWhitelistedPackages(List<String> allowedPackages)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.

      Set list of packages to be scanned. If allowedPackages is set then blockedPackages is ignored.


      allowedPackages - list of packages to be scanned

    • getExcludeUrls

      public List<String> getExcludeUrls()

      Get a list of URL patterns that are not handled by the Vaadin servlet when it is mapped to the context root.


      a list of url patterns to exclude

    • setExcludeUrls

      public void setExcludeUrls(List<String> excludeUrls)

      Set a list of URL patterns that are not handled by the Vaadin servlet when it is mapped to the context root.


      excludeUrls - a list of url patterns to exclude

    • getDevmode

      Gets the devmode specific configuration.


      the devmode configuration

    • getPnpm

      Gets the pnpm specific configuration.


      the pnpm configuration

    • getBun

      Gets the bun specific configuration.


      the bun configuration

    • getReact

      Gets the react specific configuration.


      the react configuration

    • getFrontend

      Gets the frontend specific configuration.


      the frontend configuration