
Class ListSeries

All Implemented Interfaces:

Series, Serializable

public class ListSeries extends AbstractSeries

A series consisting of a list of numerical values. In this case, the numerical values will be interpreted as Y values, and X values will be automatically calculated, either starting at 0 and incrementing by 1, or from pointStart and pointInterval given in the plotOptions. If the axis has categories, these will be used. This option is not available for range series.

See Also:

  • Constructor Details

    • ListSeries

      public ListSeries()
    • ListSeries

      public ListSeries(String name)

      Constructs a ListSeries with the given series name.


      name -

    • ListSeries

      public ListSeries(Number... values)

      Constructs a ListSeries with the given array of values.


      values -

    • ListSeries

      public ListSeries(Collection<Number> values)

      Constructs a ListSeries with the given collection of values.


      values - the values to use

    • ListSeries

      public ListSeries(String name, Number... values)

      Constructs a ListSeries with the given series name and array of values.


      name -

      values -

    • ListSeries

      public ListSeries(String name, Collection<Number> values)

      Constructs a ListSeries with the given series name and collection of values.


      name - the name of the series

      values - the values to use

  • Method Details

    • getData

      public Number[] getData()


      An array of the numeric values

    • setData

      public void setData(Number... values)

      Sets the values in the list series to the ones provided.


      values -

    • setData

      public void setData(List<Number> data)

      Sets the given list of numeric values as the values in this list series.


      data -

    • addData

      public void addData(Number number)

      Adds a given number to the series and immediately updates the chart if it already has been drawn. If the chart has not yet been drawn all items are added to the chart when it is drawn the first time.


      number - the number to be added to the series

    • addData

      public void addData(Number number, boolean updateChartImmediately, boolean shift)

      Adds a given number to the series and optionally immediately updates the chart if it has been drawn. This method is useful if you want to add many items without a client/server round-trip for each item added. Do this by specifying false for the updateChartImmediately parameter.


      number - the number to be added to the series

      updateChartImmediately - if true the chart will be dynamically updated, using animation if enabled.

      shift - If true, the first item from the series is removed. Handy if dynamically adjusting adding points and fixed amount of points should be kept visible.

    • updatePoint

      public void updatePoint(int pointIndex, Number newValue)

      Updates the value of the data point at pointIndex to newValue and immediately updates it on the chart using animation if enabled.


      pointIndex - the index of the point to update

      newValue - the new value of the point