
Class FieldSet

All Implemented Interfaces:

AttachNotifier, DetachNotifier, HasAriaLabel, HasComponents, HasElement, HasEnabled, HasSize, HasStyle, HasText, Serializable

@Tag("fieldset") public class FieldSet extends HtmlContainer implements HasAriaLabel

Represents an HTML <fieldset> element. This component is used to group several UI components within a form, enhancing form accessibility and organization.

See Also:

  • Constructor Details

    • FieldSet

      public FieldSet()

      Creates a new fieldset with an empty legend.

    • FieldSet

      public FieldSet(String legendText)

      Creates a new fieldset with the given legend text.


      legendText - the legend text to set.

    • FieldSet

      public FieldSet(Component... content)

      Creates a new fieldset with the given content.


      content - the content component to set.

    • FieldSet

      public FieldSet(String legendText, Component content)

      Creates a new fieldset using the provided legend text and content.


      legendText - the legend text to set.

      content - the content component to set.

  • Method Details

    • getLegend

      public FieldSet.Legend getLegend()

      Returns the legend component associated with this fieldset.


      the legend component.

    • setLegendText

      public void setLegendText(String text)

      Sets the text of the legend.


      text - the text to set.

    • getLegendText

      public String getLegendText()

      Gets the text of the legend.


      the text of the legend, or null if no legend is present.

    • getContent

      public Stream<Component> getContent()

      Returns the content of the fieldset.


      Stream of content components

    • setContent

      public void setContent(Component... content)

      Sets the content of the fieldset and removes previously set content. Note: Do not include Legend in the content components. Use other FieldSet methods for setting Legend instead.


      content - the content components of the fieldset to set.