Uses of Class
Uses of DataCommunicator in com.vaadin.flow.component.combobox
Subclasses of DataCommunicator in com.vaadin.flow.component.comboboxModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Customized data communicator that uses a custom key mapper for preserving keys of selected items when using lazy-loading.
Uses of DataCommunicator in com.vaadin.flow.component.combobox.dataview
Constructors in com.vaadin.flow.component.combobox.dataview with parameters of type DataCommunicatorModifierConstructorDescriptionComboBoxDataView
(DataCommunicator<T> dataCommunicator, ComboBoxBase<?, T, ?> comboBox) Creates a new generic data view for ComboBox and verifies the passed data provider is compatible with this data view implementation.
(DataCommunicator<T> dataCommunicator, Component component) Creates a new lazy data view for ComboBox and verifies the passed data provider is compatible with this data view implementation.
(DataCommunicator<T> dataCommunicator, ComboBoxBase<?, T, ?> comboBox, SerializableBiConsumer<SerializablePredicate<T>, SerializableComparator<T>> filterOrSortingChangedCallback) Creates a new instance of ComboBox in-memory data view and verifies the passed data provider is compatible with this data view implementation.
Uses of DataCommunicator in com.vaadin.flow.component.grid
Methods in com.vaadin.flow.component.grid that return DataCommunicatorModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected DataCommunicator<T>
(Element element, CompositeDataGenerator<T> dataGenerator, U arrayUpdater, SerializableSupplier<ValueProvider<T, String>> uniqueKeyProviderSupplier) Build a new
object for the given Grid instance.Grid.getDataCommunicator()
Returns the data communicator of this Grid.
Uses of DataCommunicator in com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.dataview
Constructors in com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.dataview with parameters of type DataCommunicatorModifierConstructorDescriptionGridDataView
(DataCommunicator<T> dataCommunicator, Grid<T> grid) GridLazyDataView
(DataCommunicator<T> dataCommunicator, Grid<T> component) Creates a new lazy data view for grid and verifies the passed data provider is compatible with this data view implementation.
(DataCommunicator<T> dataCommunicator, Grid<T> grid, SerializableBiConsumer<SerializablePredicate<T>, SerializableComparator<T>> filterOrSortingChangedCallback) Creates a new instance of Grid in-memory data view and verifies the passed data provider is compatible with this data view implementation.
Uses of DataCommunicator in com.vaadin.flow.component.virtuallist
Methods in com.vaadin.flow.component.virtuallist that return DataCommunicatorModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionVirtualList.getDataCommunicator()
Returns the data communicator of this list.
Uses of DataCommunicator in com.vaadin.flow.component.virtuallist.paging
Subclasses of DataCommunicator in com.vaadin.flow.component.virtuallist.pagingModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
DataCommunicator implementation which disables the paging and does not allow the user to set up the page for VirtualList.
Uses of DataCommunicator in
Methods in that return DataCommunicatorModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected DataCommunicator<T>
Returns the data communicator for the component and checks that the data provider is of the correct type.
Constructors in with parameters of type DataCommunicatorModifierConstructorDescriptionAbstractLazyDataView
(DataCommunicator<T> dataCommunicator, Component component) Creates a new instance and verifies the passed data provider is compatible with this data view implementation.
Uses of DataCommunicator in
Subclasses of DataCommunicator in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Data communicator that handles requesting hierarchical data from
and sending it to client side.