Uses of Class
Uses of ComboBoxBase in com.vaadin.flow.component.combobox
Classes in com.vaadin.flow.component.combobox with type parameters of type ComboBoxBaseModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
ComboBoxBase<TComponent extends ComboBoxBase<TComponent,
TItem, TValue>, TItem, TValue> Provides base functionality for combo box related components, such as
static class
ComboBoxBase.CustomValueSetEvent<TComponent extends ComboBoxBase<TComponent,
?, ?>> Event that is dispatched from a combo box component, if the component allows setting custom values, and the user has entered a non-empty value that does not match any of the existing items
Subclasses of ComboBoxBase in com.vaadin.flow.component.comboboxModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Combo Box allows the user to choose a value from a filterable list of options presented in an overlay.
MultiSelectComboBox allows the user to select one or more values from a filterable list of options presented in an overlay.
Constructors in com.vaadin.flow.component.combobox with parameters of type ComboBoxBaseModifierConstructorDescriptionComboBoxDataCommunicator
(ComboBoxBase<?, TItem, ?> comboBox, DataGenerator<TItem> dataGenerator, ArrayUpdater arrayUpdater, SerializableConsumer<elemental.json.JsonArray> dataUpdater, StateNode stateNode, boolean fetchEnabled) SelectionPreservingKeyMapper
(ComboBoxBase<?, TItem, ?> comboBox) -
Uses of ComboBoxBase in com.vaadin.flow.component.combobox.dataview
Constructors in com.vaadin.flow.component.combobox.dataview with parameters of type ComboBoxBaseModifierConstructorDescriptionComboBoxDataView
(DataCommunicator<T> dataCommunicator, ComboBoxBase<?, T, ?> comboBox) Creates a new generic data view for ComboBox and verifies the passed data provider is compatible with this data view implementation.
(DataCommunicator<T> dataCommunicator, ComboBoxBase<?, T, ?> comboBox, SerializableBiConsumer<SerializablePredicate<T>, SerializableComparator<T>> filterOrSortingChangedCallback) Creates a new instance of ComboBox in-memory data view and verifies the passed data provider is compatible with this data view implementation.