Tag: Microservices
In previous articles of this series, we discussed high availability and fault tolerance capabilities to make services resilient to failures in external services. In this article, we’ll add “health endpoints” and implement a dashboard to visually monitor service status.
Microservices: High availability
One of the objectives of microservices is to allow independent deployment and scaling of applications. We already learned how to create a UI composition in the previous article of this series. In this article, we’ll learn how to replicate stateful web applications to help supporting high ...
Microservices: UI composition
In this article, Microservices: UI composition, we'll learn how to implement two separate independent Vaadin applications rendered in a single web page. We have covered service discovery, externalized configuration, stateless services, and fault tolerance. In this article, we’ll learn how to ...

Microservices: Fault Tolerance
In the previous article of this series, we developed two functional microservices: a REST web service, and a web UI for it. In this article, we’ll add fault tolerance capabilities, by making the web UI resilient to failures in the REST web service. Why do we need this? Microservices depend on other ...
Microservices: Consuming stateless services from Vaadin UIs
In the previous articles of this series, we focused on developing orchestration services to enable microservices. We implemented a Discovery Server to let applications consume services without knowing their exact location, and a Configuration Server to allow microservices to run in multiple ...
Microservices: Externalized Configuration
In the previous article of this series, we implemented a Discovery Server to allow microservices to consume other microservices without knowing their exact location. The code is available on GitHub, and you can find the instructions to run the demo application in the first article of this series. ...
Microservices: Service Registration and Discovery
In the previous article of this series, we explored a demo application designed with a microservices architecture and implemented with Spring Boot and Vaadin Framework 8. The demo application is available on GitHub and you can follow the instructions there to run it by yourself. In this article, ...

Getting Started with Microservices in Java
Microservices are single-purpose, loosely coupled applications that can be developed, scaled, and deployed independently. The sum of them constitutes a whole system. Microservices promote continuous delivery, team independence (freedom to select the right tools and processes), quick evolvability, ...
Microservices and Vaadin UIs
If you have been following the web development industry in the last years, there’s a good chance that you have at least heard about microservices architectures. Some would say microservices are a specialization of SOA, others that microservices are the same as SOA, or that microservices are SOA ...