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Tools and Support Renewed

Joonas Lehtinen
Joonas Lehtinen
On Nov 11, 2013 9:11:00 AM

Today we are fine-tuning our offering related to tools and support. We hope that with these changes an even larger part of the community is able to benefit from them – opening up an opportunity for us to collaborate directly with many more developers who use Vaadin today.

Splitting Pro Account

We introduced Vaadin Pro Account in February 2011 as a combined support and tools subscription. Our thoughts were that we should put all of our commercial added value tooling and a support channel in one package priced per developer to make it trivial for a software development team to get more value out of Vaadin. While this has been working fine for many of you, there are a couple of things we could have made better:

  • Not everyone wants both tools and support: price is steeper than needed for people who are only using a part of the package
  • Support time is priced separately which has added confusion on whether support is really included
  • While the tools are naturally used per developer, the support is really for the whole team
  • It has been harder than necessary to grasp what Pro Account is when it is so many different things at once

Today we are splitting our offering into Vaadin Pro Tools and Vaadin Support subscriptions in order to address all of these challenges.

Vaadin Pro Tools

While you can build amazing Vaadin based applications without our commercial add-ons, they have been able to boost the productivity of any Vaadin based project so much that there should be little reason for any commercial project not to use them.

Radically lower pricing

While the $90 a month Pro Account has provided an affordable way of getting all the Pro Tools, we can do better by reducing the offering to its very essence: By separating the tools from support, we can separate the needs of an individual software developer from the needs of the development team. While we love JRebel, we observed that less than 50% of the Pro Account holders actually used it. To reduce pricing, we decided to drop JRebel from the Pro Tools – the ones who really want it, can purchase it directly from our friends at ZeroTurnaround. With these two changes we are today able to radically lower the price of Pro Tools:

Vaadin Pro Tools subscription starts from $35 / month.

In other words, with little more than a dollar per day, you will get the productivity boost and components from Pro Tools that will make your customers say wow and help you keep the project in schedule. We hope it will be really hard to say no to this.

Boost productivity


Add a native looking UI for your app on tablets or smartphones while benefitting from the Vaadin development model you love.

More info »


Easily build tests for the UI layer of your app. Ensure that no regression breaks even a single pixel on any browser.

More info »


Best quality HTML5 charts in the world. They are interactive, work on every device and easily add wow to your app.

More info »

New features coming up

By subscribing today you also get any upcoming Pro Tools and all upgrades automatically. We are currently working on a Vaadin Spreadsheet component. In essence, it will provide you a full featured Excel sheet that you can add to any application. Later there will be a major new tool coming up that we will speak more about in 2014.

Subscribe to Pro Tools today »

Vaadin Support

Starting from today, you can get a support subscription without the tools. It is available for the whole development team – no need to keep counting the number of developers in the team any more. Best of all – it is not merely a channel, support time is included in the price.

Help from the Vaadin team

Our team is here to help you. You can just ask for advice on best practices or for resolving a problem – or we can help you hands on by building a small component, debugging your application or help adding a must have feature to some of the available free add-ons. In any case, do not hesitate to email, call or submit a support request through our online support system.

Fixes and features

Product development is always prioritising what we should do next. Instead of making all the choices ourself, we are asking you: what would be important for you? Cast your vote on the features that matter the most. If you bump into a bug that needs to be fixed asap, just mark it as a priority and we’ll put it to the front of the queue and fix it for free.

GWT support

Because GWT is part of the Vaadin Framework, we are also able to fix issues in GWT and help you with your GWT project. You read correctly, just jump onboard and we’ll fix that annoying GWT bug that has been around for ages.


We have seen people build amazing apps with Vaadin. These apps are delivering such business value that a delay when building an app would not be an option and any production interruption would cost a lot. We provide different levels of support to get our team to help your team with any problems you encounter. While we would like to see your support subscription as a way of collaborating in building better apps, you can also see it as an insurance against lost time. When time is money, it matters.

The support subscription comes in three levels. Silver, Gold and Platinum with different amount of support included and a different SLA. Gold and Platinum also include the possibility to steer our core R&D team by marking bugs as priorities and voting for features. Platinum even gives you a direct phone line to our team. In addition to the above support, we will also start offering 24/7 support.

For details, take a look at the support plans »

Converting from Pro Account

If you have already subscribed to our previous support offerings – either by having a Pro Account or a wider Key Account agreement, you are good to go: your support continues as agreed and you are able to renew your agreement before the end of the year. One limitation though – we are not able to provide new JRebel licenses in 2014, so get the license key before the end of the year from our software center, if you do not have it already.

We also have an irresistible upgrade offer for the current Pro Account users that will help you jump onboard the new offering with a smile on your face. Just give your contact person a call or contact our sales team for details.

Big picture

The fact that Vaadin Framework is truly free for everyone and is distributed under the liberal Apache 2.0 license is the foundation we build our business upon. This has also been a key reason that has enabled many of the top companies in the world to build their products and custom systems on top of Vaadin. We have been able to keep growing our investment in this technology by providing additional tools, support, training and consulting to software development teams building their solutions on top of Vaadin. I and everyone else in our growing 72 person Vaadin team have been able to live, breath and create open source in a sustainable way. This is what we have been able to do for over 10 years and what we will keep doing for the foreseeable future.

With the new Vaadin Support and Vaadin Pro Tools offerings, our offering is ready to serve software developers building the web applications in Java even better. Glad to be at your service.

Subscribe to Pro Tools today »

Compare the support plans »

Contact us if there is anything else we could help you with »

Joonas Lehtinen
Joonas Lehtinen
Joonas is the CPO and co-founder of Vaadin. He has been working with web app development tools and technologies for over 20 years and speaks frequently in Java conferences around the world. Joonas lives is San Jose, CA, with his wife and 10 year old son. You can follow him on Twitter – @joonaslehtinen
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