
Year 2015 in review

Fredrik Rönnlund
On Dec 31, 2015 11:38:00 AM

With the year 2015 shutting its door on us it’s once again time to look back at the year that has passed and what we’ve accomplished.

Year 2015 was a year of firsts for Vaadin as a company: We reached $10M in turnover for the first year, we crossed the 100 employees line for the first time and we opened our first office in Berlin. We also started our journey outside Java for the first time, by announcing Vaadin Elements. When you realize Vaadin as a company and a technology dates back as far as 2001, these are all really big accomplishments for one year alone.

With over 46 releases by several teams in close to 7000 commits the past year has been the busiest at Vaadin so far. We’ve published over 90 blogposts and attended 65 events, not to mention hosted 3 large events ourselves. We've also covered content from Spring to Liferay and to Scalability and everything in between. But Vaadin is not only about us, in fact, we’re just a small minority of the Vaadin community of 150 000 developers. You’ve made Vaadin what it is today: You have updated over 230 addons, written close to 14 000 forum posts, over 600 of you have become certified and you’ve started hosting your own meetups around the world.

But what’s next? For Vaadin Framework users, there are exciting times ahead! Vaadin 7.6 is just around the corner (almost literally!). Many more developers are forced to look for alternatives for Applets, JavaFX and Silverlight thanks to browsers dropping NPAPI support, where Vaadin stands out as the first class alternative. And for both existing and new developers we want to make it even easier to get started with Vaadin, by renewing our tutorials, focusing more on video and by building more tutorials on how to use Vaadin Designer. For others, Vaadin Elements is a new exciting collection of business grade (and free!) widgets for JavaScript and HTML developers. All in all, we’ll continue doing our best in building the best tools for you and helping you get started with them.

Welcome 2016 – we’re ready!

P.S. I’ll just leave this video here…



Fredrik Rönnlund
Fredrik works as the VP of Marketing at Vaadin. He's a hunk from the far north, born under northern lights and raised by rabid wolves. Former developer and TOGAF architect. Loves stand-up comedy, running around aimlessly and breaking vintage VW Beetles into pieces. Smiles and waves to you on Twitter at @freducom
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