Recently we hosted a webinar on how to use the Debug-window in your Vaadin application, going through all its benefits for you.
Every application built with Vaadin Framework comes with a built-in feature to inspect the application. This feature is active in development mode (i.e. when productionMode = false ) and helps you as the application developer investigates and optimizes your application.
You’ll find these features, among others, helpful:
Layout generation for Vaadin Designer – You can have declarative format created for you of any UI, with the click of a button.
Layout analysis - It is quite easy to accidentally put a relatively sized component inside an undefined size layout. The debug window is the tool to easily spot and fix these.
TestBench code generation - Easily generate JUnit-compatible Java code to control your UI using Vaadin TestBench 4.
Hierarchy view - Sometimes it is useful to see the full UI hierarchy and spot where a certain component is added.
Widgetset optimization - JavaScript size does matter. In Vaadin, the client side code is static, but if you add/remove components, you want to make sure only the ones you really use are included.
All of this and much more is featured in the webinar recording below:
Next week will be a real “webinar week”. Henrik Rexed (Neotys) and Matti Tahvonen will discuss about load testing on Tuesday and Kim Leppänen and Petter Holmström will talk about I18N on Thursday.