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What's new in Fusion?

Mikael Sukoinen
Mikael Sukoinen
On Nov 16, 2021 4:05:54 PM
In Product

fusion-releaseFusion has been a part of the Vaadin platform since V15. It’s a Java + TypeScript web framework for building reactive web applications. As we plan for the release of V22 in December, we thought it would be a great opportunity to highlight the history of Fusion and what’s in store for the future.

What is Vaadin Fusion?

Fusion is a framework for building reactive client-side web apps.  The reusable web components and simplified, secure, and type-safe access to the Java backend let you stay more productive than with minimalistic frontend frameworks. Fusion apps are built on web and industry standards, making them more stable than the alternatives.

Most parts of the Vaadin platform are shared between Fusion and Flow. This includes the UI components, theme, project build, production mode, etc. But don’t worry about making the wrong decision when choosing between the frameworks, as they are interoperable, meaning that you can add views from either framework to each app.

Timeline of Fusion releases

V15 on March 4, 2020: TypeScript views

V16 on June 3, 2020: Introducing Vaadin Flow and Vaadin Fusion

V17 on September 2, 2020: TypeScript definitions for Vaadin components

V18 on December 2, 2020: Spring Security authentication helpers

V19 on March 10, 2021: Offline support

V20 on June 2, 2021: Gradle support

V21 on September 8, 2021: New full-stack tutorial for Fusion


How can I get started?

By looking at this 25-minute quickstart tutorial by Marcus Hellberg:

Watch tutorial

If you want to dive deeper, our comprehensive course walks you through every step of creating a full-stack Fusion application. From setting up your development environment to deploying the app to a cloud service provider, this course has it all, packaged in 14 chapters!

Go to course page

And if you prefer to jump right into coding, you can use our starter app generator to configure and download a free app to start working immediately. Take advantage of one of our presets or start with an empty view:

Go to Vaadin Start

What's coming in Vaadin 22?

Fusion is going stateless in the next Vaadin feature release, V22. This means you can create TypeScript views that can be loaded without creating a session on the server side.

Since server endpoints don't use a session a server can handle more concurrent users, making scaling a lot easier. 

The official launch of V22 isn’t until December, but you can test the Beta version already right now!

Go to GitHub

View V22 documentation

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Mikael Sukoinen
Mikael Sukoinen
Mikael has a passion for writing text, code and music. He’s currently utilising his skills to explain difficult concepts in plain language at Vaadin Ltd.
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