
Vaadin tips video series

Alejandro Duarte
Alejandro Duarte
On Feb 11, 2021 9:46:00 AM

Since last October, we have released weekly technical videos on topics about Vaadin Flow and Vaadin Fusion. If you are a visual learner, this series is for you!


Here is the list of videos at the time of writing:

  • How to create a Vaadin Java API for a JavaScript component
  • Switch between light and dark theme automatically
  • Make your web app faster with webpack code splitting
  • Building a Vaadin app for production environments
  • How to add a client-side view to an existing Vaadin app
  • Authentication and authorization with Vaadin Flow
  • Getting started with Vaadin Fusion: how to create and run an app with Vaadin's TypeScript API
  • Full-stack Spring Boot web app tutorial - LitElement, TypeScript, and Vaadin Fusion
  • Implementing user signup in Vaadin Flow applications (simple)
  • Styling Web Components with Shadow DOM: CSS variables, parts, shared styles
  • User registration - Account activation link
  • Styling LitElement views part 2: global styles and CSS modules (Vaadin Fusion)
  • LitElement state management with MobX in a Vaadin Fusion project
  • Activate new accounts by email
  • How to create a new Vaadin Flow project without Spring Boot
  • Vaadin Grid renderers: customize cells and show a details row (Fusion)
  • Introduction to stress and load testing of Vaadin Flow applications using Apache JMeter

A new video comes out each week, so subscribe to the YouTube channel so you don't miss out on interesting new content. Share the link with your colleagues, if you think this is something that they can benefit from. Let us know in the comments below if you have specific questions or topics that you would like us to cover in future episodes.

Thanks for reading, and I'll see you in the next... blog post!

Alejandro Duarte
Alejandro Duarte
Software Engineer and Developer Advocate at MariaDB Corporation. Author of Practical Vaadin (Apress), Data-Centric Applications with Vaadin 8 (Packt), and Vaadin 7 UI Design by Example (Packt). Passionate about software development with Java and open-source technologies. Contact him on Twitter @alejandro_du or through his personal blog at
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