
Vaadin 14 Professional certification now available

Olli Tietäväinen
Olli Tietäväinen
On Apr 30, 2020 1:34:00 PM
In Product

Vaadin14 pro cert now avail

The Vaadin 14 certification system has expanded! The Vaadin 14 Developer certification has been available for a while, but now Plus subscription holders (and above) can also become a Certified Vaadin 14 Professional after completing the Professional training track.

For certification, you need to pass a test that covers a range of questions from advanced Vaadin 14 development topics. Don’t worry, all the information you need is in our training videos and exercises.

What’s new in training videos?

If you have been following our online training videos, you’ll have noticed that we’ve published new learning content every two weeks. Our recent efforts have been focused on completing the Professional training track for Vaadin 14. The video on Using Templates completes the series. If you’re already familiar with the content in the Foundation track, you’re all ready to start the more advanced lessons.

Here’s what’s included in the Professional curriculum:

Vaadin best practices

This training is an accumulation of knowledge gained through Vaadin’s decades of experience working in software development with… well… Vaadin. We go through the Bakery Full Stack App Starter and cover things like login, security, architecture, testing, and more.


Do you need to develop a web application that supports multiple languages? With Vaadin 14, it’s easier than ever - check out this quick training to see how it’s done.

Application Lifecycle

Sometimes Vaadin may seem like magic - you write some Java code, and a web app appears in your browser! The Application Lifecycle training uncovers the inner workings of the framework. You’ll learn about servlets, the VaadinService, bootstrapping, heartbeats, and other useful and interesting things.

Drag and Drop

Does your application require dragging things on to other things and then dropping them? If so, the Drag and Drop training has you covered. You’ll learn how to drag components, grid rows and files, and what to do when you receive a drop.

Background threads and WebSocket communication

Tired of looking at the loading indicator when a long operation is going on in the backend? Do you wish you could get updates from the server, without the user needing to click a button or do something? Do you feel that synchronous client-to-server communication is just not the right solution for your problem? The Push training resolves all of these questions and shows you how to use asynchronous communication with style and ease.

Component and Element API

Components are the building blocks of any Vaadin application and there’s a fair amount of cool stuff you can do with them in your Java code. In addition, Vaadin provides the lower-level Java Element API, which gives you even greater flexibility to control exactly what happens in the browser. Combining these two APIs opens up a whole world of possibilities.

Using Templates

PolmyerTemplates allow you to build integrations with third-party web components or JavaScript libraries in Vaadin 14. You can get more out of Vaadin Designer when you understand this underlying technology too. This training teaches you everything you need to know about building components with templates.

Responsive layouting

If you want to build UIs that work on all display sizes, ranging from phones to desktop monitors, you need to understand responsive design. You’ll get the information you need to make your Vaadin applications responsive from this training.

Get certified

When you’ve studied all of the training videos, you’ll be ready to take on the Vaadin 14 Professional certification exam that you can find on the main Vaadin 14 training page. Note that while the questions in the test only target the training content in the Professional track, having completed the Vaadin 14 Foundation track greatly increases your chances of success. When you succeed, don’t be shy - share your certification on LinkedIn and Twitter, and don’t forget to put it in your CV!

Olli Tietäväinen
Olli Tietäväinen
Olli is a senior software engineer who has been working at Vaadin since 2015.
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