Vaadin 24.4 integrates with React, unifies Flow and Hilla development, and more!

Try our updated framework comparison tool

Mikael Sukoinen
Mikael Sukoinen
On Mar 23, 2021 1:37:39 PM
In Product

Frame (47)

Are you evaluating UI framework options for your web app project? Our framework comparison tool, now updated for 2021, can help you make an informed choice. You can use the tool to compare both Vaadin Flow and Vaadin Fusion with Angular, React and the new addition, Vue, in deeper detail than before.

You can try the tool here.

Who is the tool for?

‘How does Vaadin compare to <insert framework here>?’

This is the question our comparison tool was made to answer, back in mid-2020. Any developer evaluating these technologies can use the tool to quickly get an overview of the specifications and features of each framework and see how they compare. The tool provides an overview of the selected framework(s) and gives you a complete picture of their capabilities. It then compares their:

  • Component model
  • Templating: Including data binding, events and loops
  • State and rendering
  • Forms
  • Styles
  • Backend communication
  • Routing
  • Included components.

If you are a business owner, read our comparison whitepaper for the business benefits of using Vaadin compared to Angular or React.

Example applications

he comparison tool also shows the code of a basic “Todo” full-stack sample application built on a Spring Boot Java backend. There’s a walkthrough for each example project, complete with a view of the backend code, allowing you to see how they differ in practice! 

Screenshot 2021-03-23 at 13.33.39

You can download the source code from GitHub or launch it online in GitPod.

How do you use it?

First, select a framework from the left-hand slider and the framework that you want to compare it to from the right-hand slider. For example, Flow & Angular.

Screenshot 2021-03-23 at 13.34.53

You can then scroll down to see how they compare, side-by-side, in different categories. You’ll find links to the example applications at the bottom. Here are direct links to the applications if you want to test them out directly (try them online in GitPod or download the source code from GitHub to run locally):


Any questions about the tool? Ask away by commenting below!

Mikael Sukoinen
Mikael Sukoinen
Mikael has a passion for writing text, code and music. He’s currently utilising his skills to explain difficult concepts in plain language at Vaadin Ltd.
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