Vaadin 24.4 integrates with React, unifies Flow and Hilla development, and more!

Java Meets Web - December 2019

Alejandro Duarte
Alejandro Duarte
On Dec 21, 2019 8:15:00 AM

Welcome to the first edition of Java Meets Web! In this monthly publication, I'll share links to some of the articles I read to keep up with what's going on in the Java ecosystem. You can expect topics on:

  • the Java Programming Language,
  • Java libraries and frameworks,
  • new releases, and
  • relevant news from the Software Development industry.

If you have an account at and are subscribed to the Vaadin Digest, you'll start getting the Java Meets Web publication by email. As always, there is an option to unsubscribe as well. In the future, you'll be able to subscribe to this publication without having to create a account. Stay tuned!

So, without any further ado, here are this month's topics. Explore the ones that interest you and let me know in the comments what you think about them, and the Java Meets Web publication. Hope you like it!

Java still number one in 2019

The TIOBE Index for December 2019 shows Java in first position, as the most popular programming language today. It's followed by C, Python, and C++. See the full rankings at

Java 14: More JEPs confirmed for JDK 14 and JEP 365 is back

The release of Java 14 is planned for March 17, 2020. These are the confirmed JEPs (JDK Enhancement-Proposal):

See more at

What does thread-safety mean in Java?

Thread safety in Java means that the methods of a class are either atomic or quiescent. So what does atomic and what does quiescent mean? Learn this and more on thread-safety in Java at

A First Look at Java inline classes

The OpenJDK team is actively working on a project called Project Valhalla (aka "inline classes"). Learn what inline classes are, why they are useful, and see how the prototype under development by Project Valhalla works at

Mapbox integration for Java

If you are into Geographic Information Systems (GIS), check out this Mapbox Java API that allows you to code GIS in web applications using Java with the Vaadin framework:

Google App Engine and GraalVM add Java 11 support

GraalVM, a polyglot virtual machine that provides a shared runtime to execute applications written in multiple languages like Java, C, Python, and JavaScript, has released version 19.3 with support for JDK 11.

Google App Engine, a Platform as a Service and cloud computing platform for developing and hosting web applications in Google-managed data centers, has also added support for Java 11.

Spring Boot 2.2.2 is now available

This release includes 88 fixes, improvements, and dependency upgrades. See more at

Microsoft has turned Outlook into a Progressive Web App

Microsoft is turning its site and Outlook for the Web services into Progressive Web Apps (PWA). Learn more at

OpenJDK committers’ workshop in Belgium

Oracle will host the fourth OpenJDK Committers’ Workshop on Monday, February 3, 2020. Learn more about the event at

Alejandro Duarte
Alejandro Duarte
Software Engineer and Developer Advocate at MariaDB Corporation. Author of Practical Vaadin (Apress), Data-Centric Applications with Vaadin 8 (Packt), and Vaadin 7 UI Design by Example (Packt). Passionate about software development with Java and open-source technologies. Contact him on Twitter @alejandro_du or through his personal blog at
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