Vaadin 24.4 integrates with React, unifies Flow and Hilla development, and more!

Community Spotlight - July 2017

Alejandro Duarte
Alejandro Duarte
On Jul 31, 2017 7:33:00 AM

A key element in any successful open-source project is its community. In the case of Vaadin, the community collaborates mostly by asking and answering questions in forums, reporting issues, suggesting improvements, contributing with patches to the core products or with add-ons published at

Making a comprehensive list of all contributions would be impossible. Instead, for this month’s Community Spotlight, I’d like to highlight some of the most interesting add-ons published during the last few months. All these add-ons are available for Vaadin Framework 8.

Material by Johannes Goebel

A theme based on the Material Design by Google, with a few small transitions.

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ScrollablePanel Add-on by bonprix HgmbH

A SingleComponentContainer which lets you set the scroll position from server-side and get notified when the user scrolls its content.

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AutocompleteTextField Add-on by Max Schuster

The name says it all.

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TextFieldMultiline Add-on by bonprix HgmbH

A text field that turns into a text area to allow multiline strings. Each line is represented by an entry in a Java List.

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PopupExtension by Team Parttio

A popup that you can align relative to any component you want.

HybridMenu by Finn Linsbauer

A Menu for navigating between views.

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BeforeUnload by Sami Viitanen

Offers a simple one line API to define a verification dialog shown when the user is trying to exit or reload a page. Can be used to warn if the user has any unsaved changes.

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MultiFileUpload by Webstar Csoport

Provides a nice feedback for monitoring the upload progress of multiple files.

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Tuning DateField by Frederic Dreyfus

A highly customizable alternative to Vaadin native DateField. Includes a multi-select feature.

HistoryApiNavigationStateManager Add-on by Axel Meier

Do you want to use Vaadin 8's support of the HTML5 History API together with the Navigator? Then, this is the right add-on.

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DiagnosticServlet by Johannes Tuikkala

A servlet that enables setting a component's communication id. This helps to write scalability tests for Vaadin apps with JMeter or Gatling.

GridStack Add-on by Sami Viitanen

Provides drag'n drop multi-column grid layouts for Vaadin applications. Check out the awesome demo application!

Circular Progressbar Add-on by Johannes Goebel

Just take a look at the screenshot:

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OAuth2 Popup Add-on by Bryson Dunn

Add OAuth support to your Vaadin applications by embedding a button that does the work for you.

There are many other awesome add-ons I couldn’t include in this short list. Share your favourite add-on in the comments section below!

See all the available add-ons in Vaadin Directory

Alejandro Duarte
Alejandro Duarte
Software Engineer and Developer Advocate at MariaDB Corporation. Author of Practical Vaadin (Apress), Data-Centric Applications with Vaadin 8 (Packt), and Vaadin 7 UI Design by Example (Packt). Passionate about software development with Java and open-source technologies. Contact him on Twitter @alejandro_du or through his personal blog at
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