Vaadin 24.4 integrates with React, unifies Flow and Hilla development, and more!

Vaadin 8 Upgrade Automation Service

A service that helps you move your codebase from Vaadin 8 onto Vaadin 23. Contact us for pricing.

What is it?

Vaadin 8 Upgrade Automation

Our experts can automate a part of your Vaadin 8 upgrade effort by running our upgrade tooling on your application. You'll receive the transformed code and a report that details the most significant changes.

Our first customers saw as much as 33% of their modernization effort disappear by using the upgrade automation service and Classic Components when upgrading to Vaadin 23.

The pricing depends on the size of your application. Please note that you require a Vaadin Prime or Enterprise subscription to access the Classic Components which are required to use the code after the service.

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Automated refactoring

Our experts will run the automation that refactors your UI components and other Vaadin 8 classes to remove Vaadin 8 as a dependency in your application. We can customize the tooling to fit your application for the best possible effect.

Classic Components

The Upgrade Automation Service uses the Vaadin Classic Components which are a set of modern Web Components with a similar Java API and structure as their Vaadin 8 counterparts. You require a Vaadin Prime subscription to access the Classic Components.


Still on Vaadin 8?

Other modernization products and services


Upgrade assessment
Thinking about upgrading to Vaadin 23? Our thorough assessment ensures a migration within budget and with minimal downtime.
Contact us to learn more.
Classic Components
A set of UI components for easier upgrades from V7 and V8 to V23. Included in Prime and Enterprise subscriptions.
Extended Maintenance
Need more time to analyze your options? We provide extended maintenance for your V8 app while you make your choice. Now available as an add-on for Vaadin Prime subscribers.