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Vaadin Training 2.0

Tanja Repo
On Jan 7, 2013 1:42:00 PM


The fastest way to learn Vaadin is to join the official Vaadin Trainings.These courses are open to everyone and are arranged all over Europe and the U.S. You should be familiar with Java but there are no other requirements. During the trainings you will learn the basics of developing with Vaadin and get insight from experienced Vaadin developers on best practices. As a result of the feedback gained from previous open classroom trainings we are renewing the content of the Vaadin Trainings. And since the Vaadin 7 release is just around the corner, the trainings are also Vaadin 7 focused.

"I am extremely pleased with the changes we have made to the courses. Both have of course been updated to Vaadin 7 and we made lots of other improvements based on your feedback as well," says the product manager, Henri Muurimaa.

The length of both of these trainings will be two days and they will contain lectures and a lot of hands-on exercises. The courses and all of their materials are in English. And how to sign-up? The easiest way to join these classes is through our training website.

Vaadin Fundamentals

The Vaadin Fundamentals course starts by teaching you how to get started with Vaadin, and also delves deeper with advanced topics you need to know to be productive with Vaadin. The topics covered include an overview of Vaadin architecture, using the components and layouts and binding data with the Vaadin data model, just to name a few. It's a two day course, and only basic Java knowledge is required to join.

Topics covered during the course:

  • Overview of the Vaadin framework
  • Vaadin architecure and Vaadin application architecture
  • Components and layouts for UI development
  • Vaadin data model and data binding
  • Utilizing and providing files, images and other kinds of resources
  • Vaadin Visual Designer
  • Extending Vaadin with add-ons
  • Connecting application UI components to persistent model objects with Vaadin JPAContainer
  • Developing mobile applications with Vaadin TouchKit

Advanced Vaadin

The Advanced Vaadin course picks up where the previous course ends. You will learn how to structure your application to be maintainable and testable, find out common pitfalls in both server-side and client-side performance and uncover the secrets of creating new Vaadin client-side widgets. Advanced Vaadin is a two day course too, and you are strongly recommended to take the Vaadin Fundamentals course before joining the advanced course.

Topics covered during the course:

  • Structuring your application into logical pieces using Vaadin 7 Navigator, The Model-View-Presenter design pattern
  • Dependency injection in Vaadin applications
  • Optimizing tips and tricks
  • Implementing custom Vaadin client-side components

Warning: contains hands-on exercises and lectures

Both courses are in English and they include lots of hands-on exercises in addition to lectures. The lecturers are senior Vaadin team members who have years of experience in building real world applications with Vaadin. Kim Leppänen, one of the lecturers, is excited about the new content and the upcoming training year. "We got very good feedback on the courses we gave last year, and I'm confident that the renewed courses will serve the needs of the trainees even better," he says.

So take a look at the course agenda and enroll now! It might be the best decision that you've made this year - at least so far...

Tanja Repo
Tanja Repo is Vaadin's Marketing Magician which means her responsibilities are marketing communication and its coordination in all its glory. Tanja has vast experience around events and has worked with various software industry players. Technology has always been a mystery to her, that she wants to unveil. Loves to laugh, smile and drive around with her Vespa. You can follow her on Twitter – @RenjaTapo
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