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Vaadin TouchKit 4 - All devices. Supported.

Jonatan Kronqvist
On Sep 18, 2014 8:00:00 AM

Following the recent release of Vaadin 7.3, we are proud to announce Vaadin TouchKit 4.

Mobile development basically has two main strategies: native and web. There are also hybrid  approaches, which mix both strategies. Vaadin TouchKit 4 gets you on the fast track of the mobile web strategy. Vaadin TouchKit is the mobile-first web solution for all servlet based web architectures - no matter if your application is based on Java EE, Spring or something else.

Android, iOS, Windows Phone

Android, iOS, Windows PhoneIn addition to Vaadin’s robust Java development architecture, the main benefit of Vaadin TouchKit is getting support for all mobile devices in a single code base. Using Java and Vaadin TouchKit components, you can build stunning mobile optimized applications for Android, iOS, and now also for Windows Phone, with much less work than you would with any other tool.

Looks good, feels even better

Vaadin TouchKit 4.0We believe a good user experience makes a difference. This is even more important on phones and tablets. The default visual language in Vaadin TouchKit follows the modern simplistic Vaadin styling on every device. Take a look at the demo.

A number of mobile optimized components allow you to create a pleasant user experience. Features like camera, location and touchscreen gestures are supported by Vaadin TouchKit. Further access to native API's that are supported by Apache Cordova bridge the gap between HTML5 and device hardware.


Try now - 30 days free

Vaadin Pro ToolsVaadin TouchKit 4 is licenced under the CVALv3 per developer license. You can get a single license for $590.00, but naturally you can try it out for 30 days, completely free of charge. If your project is open-source, we also offer TouchKit 4 under the AGPL license.

Vaadin Pro Tools subscribers don’t need to worry. Just head to Directory or update your Maven pom.xml and start using Vaadin TouchKit 4 today!


Get Vaadin TouchKit 4 now


Jonatan Kronqvist
Jonatan Kronqvist has been at Vaadin since 2006, where he's worked on almost all aspects of the business. From coding to leadership. He is currently working as a Senior Product Manager for the Vaadin platform.
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