Vaadin 24.4 integrates with React, unifies Flow and Hilla development, and more!

Vaadin Debug Window

Teemu Suo-Anttila
On Nov 3, 2015 2:04:00 PM

Recently we hosted a webinar on how to use the Debug-window in your Vaadin application, going through all its benefits for you.

Every application built with Vaadin Framework comes with a built-in feature to inspect the application. This feature is active in development mode (i.e. when productionMode = false ) and helps you as the application developer investigates and optimizes your application.

You’ll find these features, among others, helpful:

  • Layout generation for Vaadin Designer – You can have declarative format created for you of any UI, with the click of a button.

  • Layout analysis -  It is quite easy to accidentally put a relatively sized component inside an undefined size layout. The debug window is the tool to easily spot and fix these.

  • TestBench code generation - Easily generate JUnit-compatible Java code to control your UI using Vaadin TestBench 4.

  • Hierarchy view - Sometimes it is useful to see the full UI hierarchy and spot where a certain component is added.

  • Widgetset optimization -  JavaScript size does matter. In Vaadin, the client side code is static, but if you add/remove components, you want to make sure only the ones you really use are included.

All of this and much more is featured in the webinar recording below:

Next week will be a real “webinar week”. Henrik Rexed (Neotys) and Matti Tahvonen will discuss about load testing on Tuesday and Kim Leppänen and Petter Holmström will talk about I18N on Thursday.

Sign up for Load Testing Vaadin Apps with Neotys webinar

Sign up for I18N of Rich Web Applications webinar

Teemu Suo-Anttila
Teemu Suo-Anttila has been at Vaadin since 2013. He is a Vaadin Expert working with the development of the Vaadin Framework. His speciality is the Grid component.
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