Vaadin 24.4 integrates with React, unifies Flow and Hilla development, and more!

Vaadin at Liferay Symposium

Tomi Virkki
Tomi Virkki
On Oct 2, 2014 10:05:00 AM

Vaadin and Liferay have always been close to each other – the communities are closely aligned and many Liferay users leverage Vaadin’s power when building interactive portlets.

Liferay Marketplace Winner & Liferay Symposium

Liferay Marketplace Winner As you’ve seen, itself also uses Liferay and being an open source company, we see great value in contributing back to the Liferay community. The forum portlet, Tori, being one of these community projects, took part in the Liferay Marketplace App Contest and as a result, it won its category Commercial Free! Not only that, but another Vaadin application, namely Vahtie by Arcusys, won in the category Commercial Paid. Vaadin was thus well represented in two out of four category victories.

We’re officially kicking off the celebrations next week in Boston when we join the Liferay Symposium on October 5th-7th. Come join us and see Tori and Vaadin in action inside Liferay.

What is Tori?

Tori is a discussion forum portlet with an amazing user interface. Features like real-time notifications and in-page navigation make it easy and comfortable to use. The aim has always been on end-user experience. Tori is a drop-in replacement for Liferay’s default forum, and as such, an easy way to ramp up the user-experience in your installation. Tori comes with real-time notifications, enhanced SEO, page indexing, custom badging and much much more. Check it out for yourself in GitHub or in Liferay Marketplace.

DZone refcard: Renewed

During the Symposium, we’ll also release a renewed and completely re-written Liferay-Vaadin RefCard. This refcard is co-created by James Falkner from Liferay and Sami Ekblad from Vaadin and it’s your fastest way into creating Vaadin portlets with Vaadin. You’ll hear more about this at the Symposium or on the Vaadin Twitter channel.

Vaadin Meetup Boston

There will also be a meetup in Boston on Sunday the 5th so if you’re anywhere in the area, come join the speeches on Vaadin, meet me, Marcus (Key Accounts) and Sami (Community) from the Vaadin team, have a beer and share what you’ve done.

Sign up for the Boston Meetup

Tomi Virkki
Tomi Virkki
Tomi Virkki is a 6th year Vaadiner currently working as a code geek in the Vaadin marketing team. He authors many of the currently active framework demos and the award-winning site forum.
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