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Vaadin and OSGi in the Wiki

Florian Pirchner
On Oct 9, 2013 8:53:00 AM

Vaadin and OSGi as a combination is something I have seen as a match made in heaven for the past two years already so when Vaadin asked me to share my experiences I was of course very positively surprised.

However, a blog post alone would not be enough to do justice and help you on your journey so in the end we decided to dedicate a whole new section in the Vaadin Wiki to OSGi.

Step by step I am going to add new pages to give you a good overview about the different ways of how to wire up things properly.

The wiki will be divided into different parts. I am starting with a very simple Vaadin OSGi integration but will add more complex issues to it in later entries.

Main concepts will be...
  • Declarative Services
  • Configuration Admin
  • Component Factories
  • OSGi JDBC datasources for Vaadin
  • A proper JPA integration based on OSGi JPA Specification
  • How to integrate OSGi aware JNDI
  • Use Spring in your Vaadin OSGi applications
  • How to run Vaadin OSGi based on a Virgo server
  • and much more
For now there are some examples available under
I already prepared them for my further posts. If you are looking forward to the different implementations, feel free and clone the repo.
But wait, there's one more thing! What would technology be without some real life business use-cases? One of the many uses of Vaadin and OSGi is Lunifera's Sharky project. In it we control a flying helium shark through an Arduino board using OSGi and a Vaadin web UI to remote control the whole thing. Sound enterprisey enough? :) This is what it looks like on our test flight, and to read more see our blog

Florian Pircher is an Independent opensource software engineer, with special interest in OSGi, Vaadin and flying sharks (probably the only one in the world with the combination of these!). Check out the Vaadin Wiki for the best source on OSGi and Vaadin and share your thoughts in the comments below.
Florian Pirchner
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