Vaadin 24.4 integrates with React, unifies Flow and Hilla development, and more!

The future of Vaadin events

Kavish Weerawardane
Kavish Weerawardane
On Jul 3, 2020 3:29:07 PM


As COVID-19 forced the cancellation of all physical events and meet-ups across the globe, we, like many other businesses, opted to move our events to online platforms. 

We recently held the first ever online Vaadin Dev Day. This event gives the Vaadin community the opportunity to connect with our product team, get exclusive insights into our products, mingle with community members and have their questions answered in person. 

Much to our surprise, the event sold out in just 2 days, with over 300 participants signing up!

Based on the resounding success of this event, and the positive feedback we have received so far, we are going to be moving all Vaadin events online for the foreseeable future. This is also a fantastic opportunity for community members from various regions to meet, mingle and network.

Going forward, our upcoming, regular events will be as follows:


  • We are gradually discontinuing the existing groups, and will create our very own page.
  • Community members will have the opportunity to shine, by giving presentations that demonstrate and showcase their Vaadin projects.
  • These events will focus on facilitating interaction and networking between Vaadin community members.

Webinars / Ask-me-anything events:

  • These events will focus on providing our community with insights into our roadmap, product development processes and upcoming features.
  • The format will include a presentation by a Vaadin team member and / or an ask-me-anything Q&A session.

Dev Day events:

  • The Dev Days will focus on providing our community members with insights and learnings related to technical topics.
  • The format will typically include talks on a specific topic, live-coding sessions and more.

What you can do to make our events even better

We would love to hear any and all feedback, comments and thoughts you may have.

  • Have an idea for a cool new event? 
  • Have an opinion on how our current events could be even better?
  • Want to learn about a specific topic?
  • Want to present your Vaadin app in a meetup?

Let us know! We can be reached in the comments below, or through any of our social media channels.

Kavish Weerawardane
Kavish Weerawardane
Kavish leads our product marketing team in bringing exceptional developer and enterprise focused products to market. He is particularly passionate about design systems, UX & real-time collaboration technologies.
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