Ok, what’s the common denominator here? Well, it’s Vaadin of course. A couple of weeks ago I sent an email to a group of Vaadin community members asking them to share their projects, experiences and knowledge with me. We wanted to better understand how Vaadin is being used and how we could make it even better.
I got a huge amount of replies, spoke to great developers and heard really amazing stories. For example, there is an online casino that is implemented with Vaadin, and there is a group of 80 developers in southwestern Russia, in the city of Samara, developing some serious software with Vaadin. These are just examples, you would be surprised to know how wide the Vaadin application range really is.
Technologywise, Vaadin is coupled quite often with Spring, Liferay and/or Hibernate. SASS was probably the most requested feature that is currently missing. Fortunately, Vaadin 7 has a SASS support, go and check it out! Many developers are also using two or more web development frameworks at the same time, and Wicket was the most common second choice for Vaadin developers (although I saw the full range of technologies being mentioned).
I sincerely thank everybody for sharing their projects and thoughts with me and the other guys and girls who were helping me. It was moving to see how an active community we are. And how amazing projects we have built!
Once again, thank you very much!
I really would like to see and introduce your projects on Who is using Vaadin page. Don’t hesitate to contact me to get it there.
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