
Don’t use Class.forName - OSGi and Vaadin

Sami Ekblad
Sami Ekblad
On Nov 18, 2014 12:59:00 PM

While Vaadin is about writing and reusing UI components, OSGi is a specification for writing bundles from which you create your application. It is not part of the Java EE specification, but still a very popular solution for managing application modularization. It helps you reuse your code, start and stop module runtime, monitor events and dynamically update your UI.

This means you can add features to your application without any downtime. Just install a new bundle in your OSGi environment, start it and the provided UI elements will be pushed automatically to your active users.

OSGi bundle lifecycle

While very sophisticated, there are many small things, from manifest entries to correct use of Java API, that you want to make right from the beginning to make your life easier later.  

Mr. Florian Pirchner is famous for his OSGi and Vaadin speeches at conferences around the world and he has previously been blogging about OSGi also in the Vaadin blog. If you ever wanted to hear about OSGi, now’s your chance.

Join us for a technical webinar on Thursday, November 20th at 14.00 (CET) - come and learn the fundamentals of OSGi, see how it works and how to use it in your Vaadin applications.

Join the webinar

Sami Ekblad
Sami Ekblad
Sami Ekblad is one of the original members of the Vaadin team. As a DX lead he is now working as a developer advocate, to help people the most out of Vaadin tools. You can find many add-ons and code samples to help you get started with Vaadin. Follow at – @samiekblad
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