
New tutorial page for Vaadin and related technologies

Marcus Hellberg
Marcus Hellberg
On Dec 13, 2018 9:40:00 AM

Learn Vaadin and related technologies with the new tutorials page Vaadin has always prided itself with having great documentation. In addition to product documentation, our team creates learning content in the blog, on YouTube, and dedicated sub-sites.

One thing we have noticed though is that it's not as easy to find this content as we would like. It can be hard for someone new to Vaadin to figure out where to start learning, or what to do after their first "Hello World." If someone finds a helpful video on YouTube, it's not apparent where they should go to find more related resources.

Introducing Learning Center

To make it easier to get started with Vaadin and continue your learning journey in web app development, we started a project called Learning Center.

The first visible change is that we have brought learning content front and center in the main menu. Under the learn menu, you find links to product documentation, tutorials, and training courses.


The new tutorials page presents learning content in an easily browsable and searchable way. You are presented with relevant related content and given a possibility to discuss the material in an embedded comment section.

Future improvements

In the short term, our focus is on producing and moving over content to the tutorials section.

Alongside the content creation, we'll start drafting a tighter integration between the docs, tutorials, and component demos. We want it to be easy to find the relevant documentation from a tutorial and related tutorials from the documentation.

We are also planning on integrating our instructor-led courses and classes to the learning center. There will be free basic level classes and paid in-depth courses that are included in Pro and Prime subscriptions.

Let us know what you want to learn

Now is a great time to suggest any topics you think we should cover in the Learning Center. You can add your suggestions in the comments below, or tweet us @vaadin.

Go to the tutorials page

Marcus Hellberg
Marcus Hellberg
Marcus is the VP of Developer Relations at Vaadin. His daily work includes everything from writing blogs and tech demos to attending events and giving presentations on all things Vaadin and web-related. You can reach out to him on Twitter @marcushellberg.
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