
Introducing Community Cloud

Henrik Paul
On Mar 11, 2013 2:47:00 PM

NOTE: This blog post is outdated and Community Cloud is no longer available. You can find updated information on how to deploy Vaadin applications here.

We're excited to finally reveal something we've had under the covers for a while now. We're confident that this will be something that you, the community, will appreciate too.

We've partnered up with Jelastic and ServInt, to provide you with a little slice of the web: Community Cloud. Community Cloud provides every member with non-expiring accounts for Jelastic, running on top of ServInt's servers. These accounts are intended and designed as a place where you can put your Vaadin demo applications you make.

Jelastic provides each registered user a free, non-expiring account with a customizable server that you can control entirely with your web browser with ease. No need for SSH, FTP or any other abbreviations, nor do you need to know Linux at all. You just upload your WAR-file, deploy it to your server, and you're done.

All this is provided for you, by Jelastic, ServInt and Vaadin, for no cost. Just make sure you're logged in to, go to and enter your email. You're one button press away from having an awesome place to drop your Vaadin demos into.

Henrik Paul
Henrik Paul works as a Scrum Master at Vaadin's product development. He has been working at Vaadin since 2008 with basically anything and everything, except in sales or administration. He's one of those annoying guys who is never satisfied with the status quo, and questions established practices constantly.
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