
Improve Usability and Front-End Implementation with UX Tuning

Alexandru Chiuariu
On Mar 7, 2019 1:00:00 PM

Vaadin UX Tuning Handout Download Because modern business web apps need to respond to the needs of many different stakeholders, ensuring a great user experience has become essential.  Our UX Tuning service enables companies to provide an unparalleled user experience by removing usability bottlenecks and front-end implementation issues. Read on to discover how the service works and what benefits it could bring to your business web app!

How Can Your Business Benefit from UX Tuning?

UX Tuning is meant to be used by companies that have an existing app underperforming in terms of usability. If the way the typical user interacts with the web app is not optimized, this could lead to major productivity issues. The first focus of this service is to remove usability bottlenecks, thus causing less friction and frustration. Ideally, the users should be able to achieve their goal by focusing on the right elements at the right time.

The second scenario where using the UX Tuning service would make perfect sense is when the front-end is implemented poorly. Changing that would mean faster development, less time used to make changes and of course a better overall developer experience. A user interface (UI) is significantly easier to implement or to extend when it’s simplified. In the long-run, a higher development speed translates into reduced implementation costs.

Last but not least, simplifying the UI’s DOM structure and CSS could lead to major performance boosts. A few possible improvements include faster rendering in browser and shorter response times for window resizes or changes.    

What Does User Experience Tuning Involve?

We approach UX Tuning as a multi-step process. Our usability experts will start by analyzing the set of identified user experience issues. You can provide this set if your team has already performed an analysis. Alternatively, we can do a UX Review to discover usability and front-end implementation issues. Next, we agree with you on how to prioritize the findings. Based on issues, our application designers create descriptions, sketches or prototypes. The final step includes the implementation of the designed solutions. Depending on the nature of the fixes, the implementation can involve UI code or styling adjustments.

Who Is in Charge of UX Tuning at Vaadin?

Vaadin’s Application Designers are specialized in identifying and solving UX issues. Since these issues could hinder productivity and lead to an overall unpleasant experience. Discovering UX so efficiently derives both from knowing the industry standards very well, but also from personal experience.   

How Much Will It Cost You?

Regarding UX issues, the one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t unfortunately do the trick. As the issues vary case-by-case based on the complexity and scale of the application, we recommended starting with an UX review evaluation prior to UX tuning to ensure an accurate estimate. If you find that your application needs more than just tuning, and is in need of a more advanced re-design, we are happy to provide our UX experts to work together with you in a full-fledged consulting project.

Want to learn more about this topic?  

Download our UX Tuning handout!

Alexandru Chiuariu
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