Vaadin 24.4 integrates with React, unifies Flow and Hilla development, and more!

How to showcase a framework

Fredrik Rönnlund
On Aug 22, 2014 11:00:00 AM

Every framework has its own demo application and Vaadin has been famous for its Sampler. Sampler has served us well, showcasing Vaadin’s components, but also giving you as a developer an overview of how to create and use the components. Many Vaadin users have got started with Vaadin by copy pasting existing snippets from the Sampler and we’ve received hundreds of emails on how awesome the sampler is and yes, also on how it’s not as awesome as it could be!

We’ve taken your feedback seriously, and now we think we’ve nailed it!

Sampler is dead. Long live the renewed Sampler!

Sampler main screen

The new Vaadin Sampler has three major improvements: 

1. Valo - Your personal theme

The largest feature in Vaadin 7.3 is the new completely customizable Valo theme. Valo is a Sass theme with variables built in for flatness, roundness, spacing, size and much more. By just tweaking these parameters, you’re able to change the look and feel of your application without having to tweak the CSS by hand. This is something unparalleled to anything in any framework before. Just a few lines in Valo equals hundreds of thought through and tested lines of CSS. Try it out today in the new Sampler and then try it out for real in the latest Vaadin 7.3 RC.

Sampler main screen

2. A new intuitive navigation tree

The most asked for feature was to be able to view all Vaadin components in a more comprehensive way. We’ve built in a new scrollable navigation tree that lets you get an overview of Vaadin in a much faster and more intuitive way than before. Search, view source code, change parameters and check out every component in detail.

The Sampler is now as easy as it's always been beautiful to navigate, with transitions between screens that make it a pleasure to use.

But Sampler really deserves something more than a description in text so go and check it out for yourself!


3. Mobile and Tablet first priority

Vaadin applications run on tablets and mobile out-of-the-box, so it was about time we got Sampler fixed for mobile. Featuring a responsive design, the sampler now works as a first class citizen on mobile and you can check your code snippets and Vaadin’s newest components on your tablet and mobile wherever you are.

We hope you like it!


Try out the new Sampler now

Fredrik Rönnlund
Fredrik works as the VP of Marketing at Vaadin. He's a hunk from the far north, born under northern lights and raised by rabid wolves. Former developer and TOGAF architect. Loves stand-up comedy, running around aimlessly and breaking vintage VW Beetles into pieces. Smiles and waves to you on Twitter at @freducom
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