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GWT.create 2015 Program is Awesome

Joonas Lehtinen
Joonas Lehtinen
On Aug 7, 2014 5:15:00 PM

When we first arranged the GWT.create conference last December, we were blown away by the level of both speakers and attendees in the conference. How could we top that? We did not, you did: the word got around and you sent us even more amazing presentation proposals. With these ingredients it was simply impossible to build an agenda where you would not have a hard time choosing between all the interesting choices.

Everything about the GWT Framework

The conference will be a turning point for GWT. Let’s stop being the humble workhorse that just powers some of the top businesses. Let’s see the bleeding edge and discuss the next generation stuff that will change how people see what GWT is.

  • GWT 3 - Ray Cromwell / Google
  • CSS3 and GWT in perfect harmony - Julien Dramaix / Arcbees
  • Cell Widgets in the Wild - Chris DiGiano / Google
  • Comparing GWT Transport Mechanisms - Leif Åstrand / Vaadin
  • Disassembling Compiled GWT Sources - Colin Alworth / Sencha
  • DIY: Computer Vision with GWT - Alberto Mancini & Francesca Tosi / Jooink
  • GWT Programming With Xtend - Sven Efftinge & Anton Kosyakov / Itemis
  • Super dev mode and incremental compilation - John Stalcup / Google
  • Hybrid apps with GWT, iOS, Android - Daniel Kurka / Google
  • Web Components for GWT - Goktug Gokdogan & Daniel Kurka / Google
  • What’s New with Super Dev Mode - Brian Slesinsky / Google
  • GWT vs Angular. FIGHT! - Christopher Gammage / Jyavu
  • Building a GWT 3.0 app with java 8, elemental, JsInterop and web components - James Nelson / We The Internet
  • Inside the compiler - Roberto Lublinerman / Google
  • Deep dive in JS interop - Ray Cromwell / Google
  • History of GWT - Bruce Johnson & Joel Webber / FullStory

GWT Ecosystem

There are hundreds of tools, components and frameworks built for GWT and on top of GWT. In the conference, we will take a look at some of the most popular ones.

  • GWT Ecosystem - Joonas Lehtinen / Vaadin
  • The Magical Powers of GIN - Christopher Gammage / Jyavu
  • How to improve your productivity using GWTP - Christian Goudreau / Arcbees
  • Introduction to Vaadin - Henri Muurimaa / Vaadin
  • Rich HTML5 Web Apps: Introduction to Errai 3 - Christian Sadilek / Red Hat
  • Tessell: A functional reactive framework for GWT - Stephen Haberman / Bizo
  • Using Vaadin’s push channel with GWT - Artur Signell / Vaadin
  • Web Components with Vaadin - Leif Åstrand / Vaadin
  • GWT on mobile with mgwt - Katharina Fahnenbruck / MGWT
  • Intro to GXT - Colin Alworth / Sencha
  • Rapidly Build Cloud IDEs with UberFire - Alexandre Porcelli & Michael Anstis / Red Hat
  • Remote controlling a drone with Spring & Vaadin - Josh Long / Pivotal & Peter Lehto / Vaadin
  • Java EE with Vaadin - Peter Lehto / Vaadin
  • Easy cross-platform RPC with Jersey and resty-gwt - David Chandler / TurboManage

Standards and practices

There will also be a look outside the GWT ecosystem, into standards and practices relevant to GWT development.

  • Web components standard - Speaker to be announced later
  • Polymer & Paper - Speaker to be announced later
  • Functional and reactive UI programming - Henri Muurimaa / Vaadin
  • Automated testing of web apps - Jonatan Kronqvist / Vaadin
  • Modern JavaScript VM under the surface - Speaker to be announced later
  • Improving the HTML table: a quick guide on getting in over your head - Leif Åstrand / Vaadin

You, the GWT developer

While the presentations are awesome, it is often even more rewarding to network and hack with some of the top GWT developers from around the world. Some of the sessions are there just to get the discussion going.

  • Demo stage provides a place to show what you have done with GWT - hosted by Colin Alworth / Sencha
  • Contributing to GWT workshop
  • Ask anything from the GWT Steering Committee panel hosted by Joonas Lehtinen / Vaadin
  • Birds of a feather sessions focused on a topic you will choose (later on)

And of course there is also a party, an expo and (in US) a tour around the computer history museum, …

You are invited!

What do you think about the agenda?

To make attending easier for you, we are again arranging the conference both in US (Mountain View, CA) and Germany (Munich). We also moved the conference to January to avoid competing with the unavoidable end of the year deadlines and holiday preparations.

Register today to take advantage of the early bird price

Joonas Lehtinen
Joonas Lehtinen
Joonas is the CPO and co-founder of Vaadin. He has been working with web app development tools and technologies for over 20 years and speaks frequently in Java conferences around the world. Joonas lives is San Jose, CA, with his wife and 10 year old son. You can follow him on Twitter – @joonaslehtinen
Other posts by Joonas Lehtinen