
Devoxx 2012 here we come

Tanja Repo
On Nov 8, 2012 7:23:00 AM

Vaadin attends the largest Java conference in Europe, Devoxx, 12th–16th November 2012 in Antwerp, Belgium. The event is sold out, once again, and next week 3 400 Devoxxians from 40 different countries will enjoy the Devoxx experience.

The event takes place in one of the biggest European cinema complexes, the MetroPolis, located in Antwerp, Belgium. As a result of this, the speakers' video and slides are projected on the huge cinema screens that are using the available THX audio setup.

The week is packed with University sessions, Conference talks, Tools-in-action, Hands-on Labs, Quickies, BOFs, Exhibition (all-day), a Meet & Greet Evening, a Movie Evening, and a Party @Noxx.

Vaadin booth #12 - meet 'n' greet

Once again the Vaadin wall will be set up, so come and visit Vaadin experts at booth #12. You will get your own copy of the Book of Vaadin and if you're lucky your own Vaadin t-shirt.
We are at Devoxx for you - if there is anything with which we could help, just ask. Tell us what you have done, how it went and let us show what we have been working with lately.

Vaadin Devoxx Agenda - build up your own schedule

Devoxx uses a Vaadin application for displaying the conference schedule Vaadin Devoxx Agenda on their website. The application uses the Vaadin Calendar add-on and a REST API to access the Devoxx schedule. In addition to just presenting the schedule in a convenient format, users can sign in to store their own schedules. Remember to build up your own 'MySchedule' and enjoy the whole experience.

Vaadin and GWT Meetup

Are you interested in hearing what is happening around these technologies today? We are arranging our own Vaadin Devoxx Meetup, on Wednesday 14th November at 8:15 PM, just next door to the Conference. Join in, grab a beer, network and ask tough questions – the people, who can steer these technologies to the direction you want, are there.

Don't miss the Vaadin presentations

Although we are attending the event mainly to maintain the booth and to talk to all the Devoxxians, we also have Vaadin presentations during the week. Don't miss Joonas Lehtinen's presentation on Vaadin 7 on Thursday 15th November at 12 PM in room 4.

The presentation describes the new features and design decisions, and also explains the implications of including GWT. The first goal for Vaadin 7 is to give more freedom to use the underlying technologies with ease. But we don't want to spoil the fun, just add the presentation to your agenda!

Are you new to Vaadin? In the beginning of the Devoxx week, on Monday 12th November 09:30 AM–12:30 PM, we have Nicolas Frankel's presentation, "Starting off Vaadin 7 on the right foot", that includes a short introduction to Vaadin's architecture. After that there is step by step developing of the application, each step bringing an additional concept into play.

See you there!

Tanja Repo
Tanja Repo is Vaadin's Marketing Magician which means her responsibilities are marketing communication and its coordination in all its glory. Tanja has vast experience around events and has worked with various software industry players. Technology has always been a mystery to her, that she wants to unveil. Loves to laugh, smile and drive around with her Vespa. You can follow her on Twitter – @RenjaTapo
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