
Comparing Java GUI frameworks: Vaadin, JavaFX, and Swing

Lilli Salo
Lilli Salo
On Aug 15, 2024 5:23:03 PM

As a developer, you may have used a Java GUI framework to build or experiment with application development. Despite many advances, Java continues to dominate mobile and desktop app development (ranked fourth in the 2024 TIOBE index). App developers often prefer the language because of its graphical user interface (GUI) frameworks. 

Comparing Java  GUI Frameworks

Choices abound, but three UI frameworks are more popular—Java Swing, JavaFX, and Vaadin Flow. Java Swing is one of the oldest GUI frameworks and part of the JDK. JavaFX is an open-source framework for next-gen application development. Vaadin Flow is a unique, full-stack framework that lets you build UI without HTML, JavaScript, or writing REST services.

Comparing Java GUI frameworks

This article explores all three frameworks (and a few more) so you can make the best choice for your project!

Java Swing

Java Swing is part of the Java Foundation Classes (JFC), which includes a range of UI components and robust event-handling mechanisms. For example, it introduces the concept of the Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) to handle GUI-related tasks, and all UI updates are performed in a single thread.

However, the downside of Swing is that it is legacy technology and doesn’t provide all the features needed to build modern, responsive applications. For example, it offers minimal support for touch and gesture interactions or integrations with web services. Developers often rely on third-party libraries to add this functionality. 

Swing is helpful for prototyping and learning the basics of GUI frameworks. You may also need it to update/modify legacy apps. However, as a general recommendation, it is better to move away from Swing for newer development.

Pros Cons Use Cases
Found in JDK, so easiest to get started with Legacy technology. Learning the basics of GUI frameworks.
  Limited support for modern UX requirements like touch and gesture interaction and web service integration. Building smaller apps or prototypes
  No built-in components for features like collapsible panels, ribbon toolbars, or advanced data grids. Requires additional third-party libraries and workarounds for modern use cases


JavaFX was initially planned as a Swing upgrade but was eventually removed from JDK. It is now a standalone open-source library maintained independently, so upgrades are more accessible, and users don't have to wait for new JDK releases. It provides a more advanced set of features and a better user experience. For example, JavaFX introduces:

  • Powerful properties and binding mechanisms that simplify the synchronization of UI components and underlying data models. 
  • CSS support for styling UI components similar to web development.
  • FXML, an XML-based language to define the user interface in a declarative manner. 

JavaFX allows developers to build visually rich applications with modern UI controls and enhanced animation. However, it has a steep learning curve as you have to learn new APIs. Performance may also drop for some use cases.

Pros Cons Use Cases
Declarative UI - FXML Steep learning curve Preferred for rich desktop apps
Support for modern UI/UX features and responsive apps. You have to write APIs that can remove focus from actual UI development.  


Vaadin Flow

Vaadin Flow differs from JavaFX, Java Swing, and others because it is a full-stack framework. You can develop the entire application in Vaadin and write UI code 100% in Java. It abstracts away the complexities of client-side development so developers can use dynamic server-side logic to render UI components on the client side. You can unify the backend and front-end code more cohesively.

Vaadin Flow provides:

  • A comprehensive set of highly customizable, pre-built UI components
  • Type-safe Java APIs for defining the UI to reduce the risk of runtime errors and enhance code maintainability.
  • Built-in security features like CSRF protection.

It allows you to provide a native app-like experience with offline capabilities, push notifications, and faster load times.

Pros Cons Use Cases
Full-stack framework that lets you build UI features in Java. The server-side programming model can be challenging to grasp for developers new to Vaadin or those with primarily front-end experience. All enterprise and non-enterprise use cases.
No need for HTML, JavaScript, CSS    
Type-safe Java APIs for defining the UI    
Built-in security features    

Other frameworks

Apart from the above three, we also have other Java GUI frameworks. 


Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) is one of the original Java GUI toolkits included in the Java Standard Edition since its inception. It uses special features of each operating system to ensure the interface feels familiar to users. AWT is often used in legacy applications and is the foundation upon which other toolkits, like Swing, are built.


Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) is a GUI toolkit developed by the Eclipse Foundation for use in the Eclipse IDE. It provides a rich set of native widgets directly accessing the underlying operating system’s GUI libraries. However, SWT's reliance on native libraries makes deployments more complex.

Apache Wicket

Apache Wicket is an open source, community-driven framework similar to Vaddin. It focuses on reusable components, minimizing the need for complex configuration. You can focus on building web applications without worrying about JavaScript. The only downside is minimum documentation. Wicket documentation is a work in progress, and you will not get access to the same level of help and community support as Vaadin.

Comparison summary

The table below summarizes the key differences between frameworks.

A comparison table of popular Java GUI frameworks such as JavaFx, Java Swing and Vaadin Flow.

Final thoughts

Modern users expect fast, responsive apps with cutting-edge design no matter where they use them. While several Java GUI frameworks exist, only a few make the cut. Vaadin Flow stands out as a unique GUI framework that lets you develop both the frontend and backend code in Java. Developers can focus on composing the user interface like traditional desktop applications. The UI components are rendered in the browser as standard HTML, ensuring compatibility across modern browsers and devices.

With the Vaadin Modernization Toolkit, you can automate the migration of your Java applications from aging frameworks like Java Swing to a modern web framework. By migrating to Vaadin Flow, you can include the latest W3C specifications, Java features, and best practices in your applications.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Java Swing still used in 2024?

Yes, Java Swing is still used in 2024, mainly for maintaining legacy systems and developing simple desktop applications. While newer frameworks like Vaadin Flow have become more popular, Swing's stability and extensive documentation make it a viable option for specific use cases. Learn more about the status of Java Swing.

Is Java GUI outdated?

Java GUI frameworks like Swing and AWT are considered outdated due to their limited support for modern UI features and performance issues. However, newer frameworks like Vaadin Flow offer advanced capabilities and remain relevant for enterprise use cases.

Which is better, Swing or JavaFX?

JavaFX is generally considered better than Swing for modern applications due to its advanced features, such as richer UI components, CSS styling, FXML for declarative UI design, and better animation support. JavaFX is more suitable for contemporary, visually appealing, and responsive applications. Swing is mainly used to maintain legacy systems.

What is the alternative to Java Swing?

Vaadin Flow stands out as the ideal replacement for Java Swing, offering a seamless transition for developers aiming to modernize their desktop applications for the web. With an extensive library of enterprise-grade components, Vaadin Flow simplifies the creation of modern UIs 100% in Java.

Is JavaFX replacing Swing?

No. JavaFX is not part of JDK, and Swing remains available as part of Java Standard Edition. Vaadin Flow is replacing both JavaFX and Swing among external GUI frameworks to offer a more modern and feature-rich solution.

Will Swing be removed from Java?

As of 2024, no official plans exist to remove Swing from Java. While it is considered a legacy technology, it remains part of the Java Standard Edition and continues to be supported. However, developers are encouraged to use more modern frameworks for new projects.

Lilli Salo
Lilli Salo
Lilli joined Vaadin in 2021 after delivering content for various international SaaS startups. She enjoys the creative challenge of transforming complicated topics into clear and concise written material that provide value to the reader.
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