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Back from Devoxx 2010

Sami Ekblad
Sami Ekblad
On Nov 22, 2010 7:07:00 AM

Last week was all Devoxx for us. For full conference experience, we had a booth and a talk for Vaadin there. It was extremely nice to be there and see all the people coming to our booth to learn more about Vaadin. Also there was a good number of Vaadin users and projects built with Vaadin that were demoed to us. Some of those really rocked! I can't wait to see them soon at the who is using Vaadin page.

Almost a tradition in expos by now, we had prepared to give away free copies of the Book of Vaadin. But this time it was that we weren't  prepared for all the buzz about Vaadin The Vaadin talk by Joonas on Wednesday was packed ("OverflowException" as chiccorusso tweeted). We ran out of free copies of books, refcards and stickers. People even took pictures of themselves at the Vaadin booth. Simply amazing!

BTW, if you took a Vaadin laptop sticker and actually put it on your laptop. Please tweet a picture with #vaadin and #sticker hashtags and we'll also send you this cool "Thinking of U and I" t-shirt we were wearing.

There was also other cool stuff at the Devoxx. Lots of the expo staff were old friends of us (greetings especially to our neighbors, Kaazing) as well as many of the speakers.

In the welcome session Stephan introduced the Parleys' new iPad and Android clients along with the Vaadin calendar for Devoxx. The Devoxx Calendar was originally Teemu's Community Friday project (CF is our version of the 20 percent time Google has). After demoing to Stephan we decided to put a little more effort in the graphics and eventually it became the default calendar app for the Devoxx website.

For the other Devoxx talks I might mention the Javaposse's live podcast was entertaining as usual. Covering the latests news from the Java community they rememered to mention us too. Also, the fast and technical demo by Adam Bien was very good talk about lean architecture with Java EE 6. I agree on almost all the architectural stuff he summarized in his talk.

Overall, this is really getting somewhere. The number of projects using Vaadin is probably a lot bigger than we anticipated (we don't have any way of knowing without the authors telling us) and it is very inspiring to see how people are utilizing our technology.

Special thanks to Stephan and Valerie from Devoxx for making this one of the best conferences for us - ever.

Sami Ekblad
Sami Ekblad
Sami Ekblad is one of the original members of the Vaadin team. As a DX lead he is now working as a developer advocate, to help people the most out of Vaadin tools. You can find many add-ons and code samples to help you get started with Vaadin. Follow at – @samiekblad
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