
Class ServiceInitEvent

    • Constructor Detail

      • ServiceInitEvent

        public ServiceInitEvent(VaadinService service)

        Creates a new service init event for a given VaadinService and the RequestHandler that will be used by the service.


        service - the Vaadin service of this request

    • Method Detail

      • addRequestHandler

        public void addRequestHandler(RequestHandler requestHandler)

        Adds a new request handler that will be used by this service. The added handler will be run before any of the framework's own request handlers, but the ordering relative to other custom handlers is not guaranteed.


        requestHandler - the request handler to add, not null

      • addBootstrapListener

        public void addBootstrapListener(BootstrapListener bootstrapListener)

        Adds a new bootstrap listener that will be used by this service. The ordering of multiple added bootstrap listeners is not guaranteed.


        bootstrapListener - the bootstrap listener to add, not null

      • addDependencyFilter

        public void addDependencyFilter(DependencyFilter dependencyFilter)

        Adds a new dependency filter that will be used by this service.


        dependencyFilter - the dependency filter to add, not null

      • getAddedRequestHandlers

        public Stream<RequestHandler> getAddedRequestHandlers()

        Gets a stream of all custom request handlers that have been added for the service.


        the stream of added request handlers

      • getAddedBootstrapListeners

        public Stream<BootstrapListener> getAddedBootstrapListeners()

        Gets a stream of all bootstrap listeners that have been added for the service.


        the stream of added bootstrap listeners

      • getAddedDependencyFilters

        public Stream<DependencyFilter> getAddedDependencyFilters()

        Gets a stream of all dependency filters that have been added for the service.


        the stream of added dependency filters